3 - Browbeat

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After finding Raven's cat, Khan and Raven both walk together since they happen to live in the same apartment complex. 

"So, when did you move here?" Khan asked, with his hands in his pockets.

"Last Friday" she said as she turns to Khan and gives a warm smile.

"Ohh, well you might enjoy it here, we get lots of snow." Khan turns to Raven back and grins.

Raven's eyes lit up when he mentioned snow. "I love snow~" she smiles.

"Yeah? Do you ice skate?" Khan asked.

"No, I don't know how.." Raven looks down in embarrassment.

"Oh- well..if it makes you feel better, I'm not really good at it either heh.." Khan said awkwardly.

"You know how? Could you teach me?" Raven smiled.

Khan's eyes lit up. "You...want me to? You sure?" he asked. 

Raven nodded with a bright smile, she then tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, revealing both of her eyes now. Khan looked at her and smiled also because of how contagious her joyful smile is. The two of them made it to their apartment complex.

"So uh..which one is your apartment?" Khan asked.

"I-it's over there" Raven says, pointing to the apartment complex next to Khan's. 

"Oh- you also live upstairs, and you live next door!" Khan chuckles.

Raven's expression changed to surprised. "Oh- I could visit you!" Raven smiles.

"Yeah! Is your room by the balcony?" Khan says, pointing up.

Raven nodded. "I-it's for Mio to spend his time outside.." she added, as she puts her cat down.

Khan smiles, then he had something to ask in mind. "Hey uh, I have a question?" 

"W-what is it?" Raven says, as she turns to Khan.

"How come you couldn't go to school, your English sounds really good, I'm curious to why you don't want to learn more at school..?" Khan asked.

"O-oh..um d-don't tell anyone..it's embarrassing for me.." Raven says, looking down.

"Oh, of course. I won't tell a soul." Khan smiled.

"Well uh, I don't go to school because it's not safe for me... well I did used to in Japan, but some things went terribly wrong...s-so my mother just educates me at home, leaving my younger siblings with my father in Japan since they're too young. W-we come here for a safer environment...and um..we just chose to not interact with any humans..I mean people.." Raven explained, looking down and fidgeting her hands.

Khan's intrigued, and a little confused but he was able to fully understand her situation. He notices her fidgeting with her hands and reaches his to help her calm down, and intertwined his fingers with hers. "Hey...you don't have to be scared of me..I mean..I may have an intimidating appearance, but I respect your reasoning." Khan smiled. "You really don't have to trust me right away, you can always take your time adjusting..although..what do you mean some things went horribly when you went to school..?

Raven gasped and looks upon Khan's face as he holds onto her hands. "Oh...um I can't say...I-It's kind of a personal topic for me...but..thank you so much for understanding...y-you're surprisingly so kind to me...no one's ever been this nice to me before.." she smiled.

Khan was a bit surprised as well. "I'm...guessing you were bullied in school..? Sorry for asking...I know you don't want to talk about it but I'm just curious." he nervously smiled.

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