43 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ open your eyes

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌓 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


'Some will open your heart. Others will open your eyes.'

─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌓 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


"How are you?" Paul asks as we sit in front of Jessica, watching her carefully.


"How is she?" I ask.

"She was frightened, but she's... she's okay."

My husband and I exchange a glance, carefully watching the woman we both care about and the new life she's yet to bring.

"Paul. (Y/N)." Jessica whispers, looking up from where she lies on the bed. "She talks to me. She believes in you. Both of you. She says..." With trembling lips, she sits up, shaking as her voice does the same, "Kwisatz Haderach, Aegis Vates, show us the way." 

She grasps my arm, her grip tight, though our gaze is locked onto hers. "You're so close now. Only one step remains and you will become the Kwisatz Haderach and the Aegis Vates."

One of the women looks back as she overhears, but we pay no mind as Jessica so profoundly continues. "Only one step remains. You must do what I did. You must drink the Water of Life."

Paul and I exchange a glance, now becoming worried.

"And your mind, it's gon... it's gonna open and you will see." Jessica shakily says before hissing out like some kind of animal, "You will see! The beauty and the horror!"

I blink, stunned with slightly shaking hands at the intensity of her voice.

Something about the way she was speaking suggested that the transformation... wasn't too friendly.

𝐲𝐮𝐚𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐧 ⁀➴ paul atreidesWhere stories live. Discover now