Everyone Has Their Moments

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There was an absence of noise in the hotel room. The light shining in through the open window coated the room and the soft droning of cars outside crept throughout the space. Ramon's bandaged head lay motionless on its stacked pillows. And Bullfrog sat watching. It was more akin to a hospital room than anything. 

Bullfrog's hands idled around Ramon's newly wrapped hand, the feeling of his partners warmth hidden beneath the gauze. He trailed along each finger and circled his palm a few times before repeating the process again. He hadn't slept, he didn't need to. He needed to be with Ramon. He needed to keep him safe. It was his one responsibility and he failed. Bullfrog's breath hitched as he remembered the impact. The fall. The panic. He gently laid the hand on the bed next to it's owner and left for the bathroom. He needed a shower.

As he turned on the water, he disrobed himself. It would take a while for the water to heat up so he'd take this time to check on his injuries. A couple bruises here and there, some small cuts and the crusty remnants of blood across his right wrist. He quickly scraped it off with a towel, remembering how gruesome his victory was. Nothing about that night went well. He had messed up in almost every way he could have in his eyes. "The water should be hot enough." He announced to nobody. Stepping into the shower, he relished in the feeling of the hot water. It ran over his body, seeping into the cuts and pelted the bruises he had acquired, bringing forth a slight sting. The frog cleaned himself the best he could, carefully attending to the sensitive areas. He still had to pay close attention to the scar left behind on his thigh from so long ago. When Ramon had saved him. Like he had failed to do. 

Could he ever forgive himself?

He had cleaned himself enough. Turning off the water, he stood in silence for a moment, the remaining droplets falling from his hunched body and dripping into the drain below. His eyes watched the trails of water slide effortlessly. Bullfrog pushed the curtain out of the way, stepping out onto the towel he had laid out before. He'd been in there for so long, the mirror had begun to fog up. He wiped it clean with one hand, revealing himself yet again. The tears in his eyes were apparent. Shining streaks made their way down his cheeks. He quickly wiped them down, sniffling. He hadn't even realized he was crying. 

How much more pathetic could he get? Here he stood, laid bare before himself physically and emotionally, weeping like a child. Where was the valiant fighter he was the night before? Reduced to this, a self loathing idiot who couldn't control his temper. Bullfrog slammed his fist down on the granite counter. With all the effort he could muster, he held his tears back. He had to save his dignity, at least the fraction of what was left of it. But the assassin still felt the sting behind his eyes. 

"You are better than this." Are you? 

"You did what you had to." So much unnecessary blood shed. 

"You did not lose him." It was too close nonetheless.

"We won." But you failed.

"Arret!" He was only working himself up even more. Bullfrog clasped his hand over his mouth, worried he may have been too loud. Frustrated, he threw on a pair of boxers to cover himself at least somewhat. He was tired of looking at himself. The frog finished drying himself off, his rough exterior looking much less battle hardened. He softly applied some store brand band aids he found in the hotel drawers to his smaller wounds.

Stepping out of the bathroom, he heard a quiet shuffling pierce the silence. Looking over, he saw the beaten alien sitting up right, looking out the window at the bright daylight outside. His hair was a mess and the bandage around his head did nothing to help. He lifted his injured hand to his face, probing it like Bullfrog did. He winced in pain as he pushed against the deep tear underneath the layers of protection. "Dammit..." He whispered to himself, unaware of the assassin's presence. He lifted the sheets and attempted to stand. Bullfrog wanted to help, but he felt himself frozen in place somehow. Ramon stood, albeit shakily, and stretched. He quickly realized that was a bad idea, taking his hand in his hands as the world spun. "Jesus, how long have I been out?" Looking around, he finally laid eyes on Bullfrog. They locked eyes, yet neither of them said a word. Something about Bullfrog's stance worried Ramon. He seemed like he was about to fall over. 

"You're okay, right?" Ramon decided to take the first step. "Am I okay?"  His first worry was about him, despite the disheveled state Ramon was in. Bullfrog couldn't respond. Ramon took another step closer, trying to close the distance between them. "ARE you okay?" He repeated the question. As he got closer, he started to see Bullfrogs shoulders shaking. The frogs face took on odd expressions, like he was trying to contain something. Though it seemed like he was failing. He reached out for the assassin with his injured hand. Bullfrog recoiled at the attempt, almost as if he was afraid of the bandages.

He was here. He was awake and alive. He was standing right in front of him, asking if he was okay. It all felt so much more real. If things hadn't worked out, this wouldn't be happening. He'd still be asleep in that bed, lying the same way the frog had left him some minutes ago. No, not asleep, far beyond sleeping. All of this effort would have been for nothing. He could have lost everything that night. The true weight of it all was crushing him. And to think he was worried about himself...

The floodgates opened despite Bullfrog's best effort. Large tears welled up and fell, leaving stains on the carpet floor of the hotel room. Clenching his fists, he stood facing his partner. He tried to look into Ramon's eyes through his cloudy pair. He looked so concerned. Bullfrog felt his pride melt away under the gaze of worry, leaving him just as he was in the bathroom moments ago. He finally broke from his paralyzed state, grappling onto Ramon as he felt heavier tears bubbling up inside. A hand made its way to his scar covered back, heaving with each choke and sob. Another landed on the back of his head, holding it as if to cradle a baby. The soothing touch did nothing to calm Bullfrog's raging inferno of emotion. 

Minutes pass as the two stay locked in their embrace. Ramon dared not to say anything, simply letting his body be used as a tissue for the frog. It wasn't fear that kept him from speaking, just unease. He had never seen Bullfrog this upset. He had a hunch as to what caused it, though the last few hours were a bit of a blur. The searing pain in his hand reminded him of the sudden confrontation on the roof the night before. They had won the fight, obviously, but how come he couldn't remember? Instead, he woke up alone, back in the hotel room, covered in bandages. Especially around his head, which was killing him as well. Something must have happened. And to prompt a reaction like this, it must have been bad...

The frog's outburst began to subside. Not by much, as his grip on Ramon had yet to loosen, but his croaks were quieter now. "I'm sorry, Ramon. I-I let you get hurt." The muffled apology emerged from the squished frog face pinned against Ramon as he felt the hot, uneven breath brush against his skin. "I'm sure it was nothing, I'm still here! Eheheh..." He desperately tried to deescalate the situation to no avail. "I should not have let my guard down, I know I shouldn't have, but I did and I almost..." Bullfrog slowly removed himself. He felt the familiar tingle behind his eyes as he spoke such unfamiliar words, looking up at the sympathetic man in front of him, his reason for fighting. "I... was afraid, Ramon." 

His face still glistened. Wet cheeks radiating the light coming from their open window. The almost unnoticeable lingering quiver that hung on his lips. It was tragic to see the stoic frog so broken, falling to pieces right in front of him. There was nothing he could say, what words could possibly convey how terribly he felt? So, in place of a monolouge, Ramon laid a long, gentle kiss on the frogs head. He held his lips there for a few seconds, letting Bullfrog really feel it. Then in the softest tone he could muster, he whispered, "I'm here." 

Ramon felt a light touch to his chin, followed by a small tug downward. Moving in under his partners big nose, Bullfrog connected their lips. He needed this. He needed to experience every touch and feel of Ramon, just to know he was really there. His breath, his touch, his voice, his tongue mashing together with the assassins own. No space between them. This wasn't a dream or an illusion his guilty mind created, it was truly Ramon. They each pulled back, intertwining their fingers. Bullfrog had run his fingers across the same palm so many times already. But his grip was finally being returned. "You are here."

(That's right, we went for the callback ending bitcheeeeeeeees! >:3)

(In all honesty, I tried SO HARD with this one! I just hope it doesn't come across like I was trying too hard eheheh... ANYWAY, hope you enjoyed, the next one will probably be shorter and much less emotionally taxing for Bullfrog lovers! Ciao 💕)

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