45 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ sandwalks, scares, and smitten behavior

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─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌑 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───


'And suddenly, all the love songs were about you.'

─── ・ 。゚⟡ 🌑 ⟡ ˚。 ・ ───

Paul is suddenly pounced on and tackled to the ground by someone he can't entirely see.

He gasps, quickly reaching for any weapons and tries to kick off his assailant, only to hear a woman's laugh.


His wife's voice rings in his ears and he calms down, laying back into the sand.

"Are you kidding me, (Y/N)?" Paul groans. "I thought you got lost!" He pauses for a moment. "Were you watching me this whole time?"

She smiles, grinning down at him as she leans in closer. "Maybe..."

Paul rolls his eyes before he smirks, propping himself on his elbows before he quickly sits up. "Come here," he murmurs, quickly pulling her into a kiss that she melts into.

He smiles against her lips, chuckling with a husky voice as he holds the back of her head. "Now I've got you."

As the kiss breaks, she leans in once more, pecking his lips with a tender touch before she helps him up.

"I win," she proudly says.

"Oh, so this is a competition, now?" Her husband grins, playfully rolling his eyes as he grabs her waist and pulls her in, planting a chaste kiss on her lips.

"Come on," Paul murmurs, looking back at his wife with a smile and affectionate eyes as they keep walking.

(Y/N) stops after a while, and both rest for a brief moment before she looks up, noticing someone watching them.

"Uh..." she mutters, brows furrowing.

"You sandwalk like a drunk lizard," a familiar voice calls, nearly making the woman laugh as she recognizes the Fremen woman.


Paul chuckles softly, "Yeah, we're doing pretty good so far."

"Yeah, well, you're not even in worm territory yet." Chani says, hitting her fist on the sand three times before she stops and resumes her position.


Eventually, she comes down, asking them to show her what they know.

Paul starts off, his feet moving gracefully along the sand. Step, half-step—drag, drag, freeze. Step, drag around the toe, drag the other foot.

"You have to break up your rhythm," Chani says as Paul continues, (Y/N) smiling as her attention turns to the expert. "Like this."

"Now, that's interesting because in the filmbooks I've studied," Paul says, "the anthropologists say, in order to sandwalk, you actually have..."

Chani straight up looks confused and (Y/N) snickers, laughing at her husband getting humbled by an actual Fremen.

Who is, in fact, a woman.

"Never mind," he says after a moment. "Please keep going."

Chani turns back to her work, and after a while, the couple starts to get it.

Drag right, left. Cross, drag around, step. Drag left, right. Cross, drag around right foot, step. Repeat.

Morning approaches quickly, and after the three head to a safer area, Chani leads them to some kind of contraption.

It has a large net that blows in the wind, almost looking like some kind of catapult.

Chani smiles at the two. "You know, I'm the only one who believes you're going to make it until summer? Everyone else thinks you won't make it two weeks. If you wanna follow us in the desert, you need to know how windtraps work. So, listen to me."

Paul and (Y/N) nod, their attention on Chani as she starts to explain.

"They're simple, but they require constant attention." She looks up, a hand on one part of the trap. "Uh, this right here, it captures the moisture," she says as her hand glides along a tube, "and then it carries it into that pocket."

She points at the two containers, (Y/N) nodding eagerly as she carefully listens.

"Uh, and these are the filters. They need to be changed every three days."

Paul, in the meantime, is absolutely smitten by his wife as she tries to figure out the contraption, staring at her like she's the most beautiful thing in the world to him.

Their eyes meet.

"What?" she asks, chuckling as Chani repositions something. "Stop looking at me like that."

Paul can't help but keep a lovesick smile on his face, to which (Y/N) blushes and looks away, biting her lip to stop a grin, though it breaks free.

To him, she's his entire world.


We've passed the 50,000 word mark in this book!! (51, 114) to be exact, as of this chapter!



Also I apologize for my absence; I haven't been feeling motivated to write, so I took a break and then pumped out five chapters in a single day.

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