cyborg company

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Owlette,An Yu, Newton Star, Lilyfay, and F.Catboy were flying toward the Flying Factory, spotting Fly Bots guarding it.

Lilyfay:I got this.Lilyfay declared, charging up an attack.

Newton Star:No, I do.Newton interjected, moving in front of her, charging up his attack too.

Lilyfay:No, I do!Lilyfay retorted, shoving Newton aside.

Newton and Lilyfay began to bicker and shove each other nonstop, catching the attention of the Fly Bots, who began to fly towards them.

An Yu:Newton, Lilyfay, look out!An Yu shouted, but her voice was drowned out by Newton and Lilyfay's arguing.

An Yu quickly flew over, grabbing both Newton and Lilyfay by their wrists, she aimed their charged hands at the incoming Fly Bots, forcibly unleashing their their Star Power and Starlight Zing at the Fly Bots, temporarily taking them down.

Lilyfay:We could've handle it...Lilyfay muttered.

Everyone flew toward the door on the left side of the Flying Factory and slipped inside.

They arrived at the staircase, quickly ducking behind it as Fly Bots moved up and down.

Owlette:So, future Catboy, do you know exactly where Romeo is now?

F.Catboy:No, cause I wasn't here when you guys were in the Flying Factory, but if I had to guess, Roemo might be in his control room, maybe. F.Catboy said, rubbing his head.

Newton Star:That's good enough, let's go before something else happens.Newton urged, as they began to stealthily ascend the staircase, trying avoid the Fly Bots.

They arrived at the door to Romeo's control room, preparing to take him down.

Owlette:*whisper*I'm going to try to trap him with my Owl Feather Nest, if it doesn't work, we all attack, okay?Owlette instructed, everyone nodded, as Owlette counted down from three with her fingers.

When she reached one, Owlette burst through the doors, Romeo stood with his back turned, unaware of her.

Owlette:OWL FEATHER NEST!!!Owlette used her Owl Feathers to ensnare Romeo in a cage, made out of Owl Feathers.

Lilyfay:That was easy.Lilyfay remarked, as Romeo began to chuckle and turned his head towards them.

Romeo:Looks like you pesky Power Heroes finally arrived to stop my evil plan, but what you probably didn't know is that I'm already a few steps ahead of all of you.Romeo taunted, with a smirk on his face, turning fully to face them.

An Yu:What do you mean by that?An Yu demanded, Romeo took a few steps forward and then, walked through the feathered cage like a ghost, shocking them.

Romeo:You Power Heroes have triggered this holographic message I left for you all, You see, I knew about that furball's future self coming to stop me from taking over the world.Romeo explained.

Owlette:How does he-

Romeo:And thanks to a special someone, I will successfully take over the world, you'll never find where I am in time, but I'm not that mean, when this holographic message activated, a few of my special friend's buddies were dispatched to keep you company while I'm busy taking over the world, smell ya later!Romeo sneered, ending the holographic message with his usual sinister laugh, as the hologram flickered out.

As the holographic message ended, the door behind the Power Heroes suddenly swung open, they turned to see six robots with glowing red eyes entering the room, each resembling older versions of Armadylan, An Yu, Newton Star, Ice Cub, Bastet, and Lilyfay, finally, another robot, looking like an older version of Owlette, swooped into the room.

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