going in

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PJ Robot and Owlette were inside the PJ Seeker, busy inventing something, while F.Catboy sat outside with his back against the vehicle, waiting

Suddenly, the door to the PJ Seeker opened, and Owlette and PJ Robot emerged, with PJ Robot holding a pistol-like gadget.

Owlette:We've finished.Owlette announced, as she and PJ Robot walked towards F.Catboy, who was still sitting on the ground.

F.Catboy:So what's that?

Pj Robot:*beeps*(I call it the Cybernetic Nullifier.).Pj Robot replied, displaying the gadget, which had a small tank attached, containing microscopic robots.

F.Catboy:Okay, so explain what it does.

Pj Robot:*beeps*(When I shoot this gadget at someone, these nanobots in this tank will fly out and latch onto the person, they make their way into the brain and override the cybernetic control signals, effectively resetting the brain back to its original function.).Pj Robot explained, F.Catboy scratched his head, looking confused.

F.Catboy:Okay..So, how does this help us? F.Catboy asked, Pj Robot facepalmed in response.

Owlette:We're going to try using it on those cyborg versions of me and our friends to see if it can revert them back to normal.Owlette clarified.

F.Catboy:Oh, are you sure this will work?

Pj Robot:*beeps*(50/50, the best kind of odds.).Pj Robot reassured.

Owlette:Yeah, and let's not waste any more time, I'm pretty sure Catboy might be on the Flying Factory by now.Owlette urged

F.Catboy:Well, what are we waiting for, let's get a move on. F.Catboy urged, starting to get up, but still wasn't recovered from his injuries causing him to feel pain.

Owlette:Are you sure you're up for this, you're still in pretty bad shape.Owlette stated.

F.Catboy:This is nothing, I'll do anything to save our team from Romeo, no matter how much it kills me. F.Catboy declared, he began to walk slowly towards the PJ Seeker, Owlette and PJ Robot exchanged uncertain glances before following him, they climbed into the PJ Seeker and drove off.

*With Catboy*

Cat Stripe King leapt onto the deck of F.Romeo's Flying Factory, carrying Catboy with him.

Catboy:Thanks, Cat Stripe King, now, I'm going to defeat Romeo and all his allies.Catboy declared, about to enter the Flying Factory when he felt a sudden tug on his arm.

Catboy turned to see Cat Stripe King with a worried look on his face.

Catboy:What's wrong, Cat Stripe King?Catboy asked, locking eyes with Cat Stripe King, understanding his concern.

Catboy:*sighs*Look, boy, I don't want to do this, but we don't have a choice, if he tries to kill me, then...Catboy trailed off, Cat Stripe King released his grip, sighing but somewhat understanding.

Catboy:Glad you understand.Catboy grinned, pressing the animal symbol on his chest, Cat Stripe King returned into his costume, leaving Catboy still in his riding armor.

Catboy faced the elevator door of F.Romeo's Flying Factory, his expression shifting from uncertainty to brave.

Catboy:You got this.Catboy murmured to himself, as he ran towards the door as it opened, stepping inside and pressing a random button as the elevator began to descend.

Catboy stood in silence, waiting for the elevator to reach the floor he had selected.

Catboy:No elevator music, seriously.Catboy muttered, tapping his foot impatiently.

The elevator dinged as the doors opened.

Catboy:Finally.Catboy remarked, stepping out and looking around, the air was filled with a hazy smoke, making it difficult to see.

Catboy:Where am I?Catboy coughed, using his hand to fan away some of the smoke, as his vision cleared slightly, he saw six pods with people inside, though he couldn't recognize them due to the smoke.

Catboy:Hello?Catboy called out, walking closer to the pods.

As Catboy approached one of the pods and leaned in to see who was inside.

Night Ninja:HELP!!!Night Ninja screamed, made Catboy jump and step back.

Catboy:Night Ninja, what happen?Catboy asked, now able to see Night Ninja clearly, he looked severely unwell, as if his life was being drained from him.

Night Ninja:Those pesky robots put us in here, and it's slowly killing us...Night Ninja replied weakly, groaning in pain.

Catboy:Us?...Catboy questioned, looking into the other pods, he saw Luna Girl, Motsuki, Octobella, Pharaoh Boy, and the Ninjalinos, all in the same dire condition as Night Ninja.

Suddenly, sparks began to flicker around the pods, and the villains inside were electrocuted, screaming in pain as Catboy watched in horror.

When the electricity stopped, the villains collapsed to the ground, relieved but still in agony and unable to move.

Catboy:Don't worry, I'll get you all out of here.Catboy declared.

Luna Girl:Good luck with that, these pods are really hard to break.Luna Girl remarked weakly.

Catboy:We'll see about that, SUPER FURBALLS!!!Catboy blasted his Super Furballs at the containment pods, but they just bounced off, bouncing around the room.

Catboy:Okay, maybe, SUPER CAT STRIPES!!!Catboy used his Super Cat Stripes to slash at the pods, but they remained intact.

Catboy:Okay, how about, SUPER CAT SPEED!!!Catboy ran towards the containment pods, jumped up, and aimed a powerful kick at one of them, but it didn't break.

Catboy:OW!!!Catboy screamed, clutching his foot and hopping up and down in pain as the villains remained unfazed.

Octobella:Whiskers, just give up. You can't free us, get someone stronger, like that armadillo or even that stupid green guy.Octobella suggested, Catboy's face showed a brief flash of guilt, but he quickly replaced it with a cocky expression.

Catboy:I don't need them to save you guys, I am completely capable of saving you all myself.

Pharoah Boy:We're doomed.Pharoah Boy muttered.

Motsuki:Kitty cat doesn't even realize there's another scary bot-bot behind him, Eek.Motsuki pointed out, Catboy froze and slowly turned around, catching a glimpse of Cyborg An Yu just before she whacked him in the head with her staff.

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