Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5: Mʏ Mᴏᴛʜᴇʀ's Dᴀᴜɢʜᴛᴇʀ; Mʏ Sɪsᴛᴇʀ's Mᴏᴛʜᴇʀ

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The Baroness was Adelia's mother in name, but she was her sister's in spirit through and through

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The Baroness was Adelia's mother in name, but she was her sister's in spirit through and through.

Adelia found sanctuary upon the cool marble expanse of the grand hall, her form delicately nestled against the sturdy pillar guarding the entrance to the music chamber. Her skirts puffed and pillowed around her, forming a shield for her skin against the chill of the stone she sat on. Through the crack beneath the door, the strains of Isabella's harp filtered through, its notes both soothing and haunting.

This ritual was a familiar refuge for Adelia, a sanctuary where she could steal fleeting moments of connection with her elder sister. Lost in the pages of her book, she welcomed the familiar strains of Isabella's music. It enveloped her like an embrace, weaving a delicate bridge across the rift that too often separated them. In these stolen moments, amidst the soft melodies and the scent of aged parchment, Adelia found a deep understanding for Isabella that eluded them in their daily lives.

Despite Isabella's usual demeanour—a veneer of coldness and unmoving resolve—her music resonated with a delicate vulnerability. Within the flawless notes was a deep sadness that stirred the depths of Adelia's soul. It was a stark contrast to the hardened facade Isabella presented to the universe.

As Adelia listened, her heart stirred with a mixture of admiration and empathy. In Isabella's music, she found a mirror to her own desires—for tenderness, for acceptance, for freedom from the constraints of their rigid existence. In this one-sided connection, Adelia felt a deep attachment to her sister. She only wished Isabella could feel the same.

At times, Adelia would sit in quietude, her gaze tracing intricate designs upon the ceiling while Isabella's melodies graced the air. 

Other times, she would coax Abigail to join her. Once, they had brought stolen sweets from the kitchen to enjoy while listening to Isabella practice. The Baroness had passed by unexpectedly. In a moment of panic, Adelia seized the cake from Abigail's hands, stuffing the entire confection into her mouth to conceal the evidence. The absurdity of the situation prompted laughter from both girls, with Adelia doubled over, her mouth filled with pumpkin tart. Isabella emerged from her chamber, puzzled by the commotion. She angrily reprimanded them for making so much noise, oblivious to the fact that it was her music that had sparked such a moment of joy.

On other occasions, there would be moments when Isabella's notes moved Adelia to tears, and she would weep silently. But mostly, she found refuge in the pages of her book, losing herself in her stories amidst the backdrop of Isabella's music.

That afternoon, however, proved less tranquil than those that came before. The hall resonated with the echo of brisk footfalls, capturing Adelia's attention. Her eyes ascended to meet the figure of her mother and two maids trailing behind her. The Baroness came to an abrupt halt, her disapproving glare fixed upon Adelia's unconventional choice of seating.

"Why do you look at me like that, Mother?" Adelia's boldness was palpable that afternoon. Though her countenance feigned innocence, her eyes sparkled with a challenging glint as they met the Baroness's frigid stare.

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