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This chapter will be a bit interesting.....


Baozi's (Xiumin) POV

"W-who's there?" One girl nervously asks.

I see one of the girls stand up while the other one is squinting looking around.

I have to do something.

Aha I got it!

I quickly grab a pebble not too big yet not too small.

I throw it in their direction and it hit one girl right in the middle of her forhead.


The girl that supposedly has a crush on me walked up to the girl I hit asking if she was ok.

I took my chance and at an inhuman speed climbed the closest tree.

After 10 minutes I got really hungry. I refused to eat until the girls were gone.

(20 minutes passed.)

Omo, how long will they be here!

I look around and saw no one guessing they left.

I jump down the tree to see the two exact girls right in front of me jaws wide open.


Suho's POV

It was getting late and we haven't found Xiumin. We went searching for him 30 minutes ago and still nothing.

We all gathered.

"Guys we can't leave without Xiumin." I say.

"Lets go looking for him one more time. This time we're going in groups of two.Ok?" I ask.

They nod in response.

I paired up with Lay.

We walked when I remembered one of my powers. I can sense Vampires far or near. Why didn't I think about this before. *face palms*

"Don't you have the power to sense vampires?" Lay asked.

"Yes, but I just remembered. Let's go look for him now." 


I creep from behind a tree, finding two girls jaws wide open with Xiumin infrnot of them.

I get an idea.

"Hey! Where have you been?!" I shouted, gaining the 3's attention.

"Oh..I-I have to go!" Xiumin yelled as he jogged towards me and Lay.

{A/N: I just read this over (12/25/15) and realized the end of the chapter has been deleted, and I don't remember what I wrote I had to rewrite somethings up just so I could fill it in. }

Vampire in love [Kai Exo]Where stories live. Discover now