Chapter 7

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Y/n reaches for a tray but accidentally held to some random person's hand instead

Y/n's Pov : that feels weird.. why is the texture so soft than it is what it is hard as a rock the tray-

Y/n panics in embarrassment

Y/n : I apologize, I wasn't thinking straight, I apologize for doing something stupid-

?? said...


?? : Pardon?

Y/n flinches removing her hand from ?? while looking at the unknown person leaving them having eye contact towards each other

Y/n closes her eyes

Y/n : I deeply apologize for my behavior, I swear I won't do it ever again..

?? hands Y/n a tray 

?? : no need to apologize, it was just an incident nothing harmless

Y/n : thank you for understanding

Y/n grabs the tray handed

?? (Zekiel) : I'm Zekiel Dela Cruz by the way as a formal way of introducing myself

Zekiel offers his hand while Y/n looks at it 

Y/n's Pov : wow he got some veiny arms.. ehh what am i thinking.. how of a weirdo I am 

Y/n holds Zekiel's hand then shakes

Y/n : well to politely introduce myself, I am Y/n Anderson and I apologize again for our embarrassing interactions a while ago hopefully you will forget about it

Zekiel : no need to worry about it, it was quite adorable though

Y/n blushed slightly

Y/n's Pov : I kinda feel I got this weird connection towards this guy.. He seems like he has a good heart

Zekiel : enjoy your meal!

Y/n : so do you 

The lunch lady hands her the luch meal

Lunch Lady : Happy eating

Y/n : thanks, you to~

Y/n's Pov : now, where shall I sit- 

Y/n looks for a vacant seat then she spotted Bella waving her hand as Bella yelled

Bella : Y/n! Here!!

Y/n looks at Bella sitting beside Zekiel and a friend of Bella then Y/n smiled as she approached Bella

Y/n : oh hi Bella and people, mind if I sit here?

Bella : sure! why not, we don't want you to sit alone don't we?

?? : mhm, being along is being lonely

Bella : Delila, not really

Y/n : well hypothetically speaking, not exactly- I depth in peace when in solitude

Bella : we want you to join us though is that a huge thing to ask for?

Y/n waves her hand as a sign of misunderstanding

Y/n : no- it's not like I'm refusing to your offer- I do love to stay here, I meant that I sometimes want to be alone but not now, I feel gleeful for the offer so I do accept it

Perverted Idiot x y/n readersWhere stories live. Discover now