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Hello everyone,
For those of you who are still in the middle of reading or re reading this book, I've decided to rewrite this book for obvious reasons.

Mainly because it was extremely cringe and the straw that broke the camel's back was when my friend suddenly brought it up and told me he couldn't stop laughing at the cringe. If any of you made a book a while back and realized just how cringe it is I'm sure you can understand. Right now I feel like I can either die of embarrassment or cringe due to this book alone and I've done a bunch of weird and cringe shit.

Also I'm now going to be putting the label of mature on to this book for all the gore and uncensored swearing I'm going to rewrite.

I'm also going to be making the SCP's personally more accurate to how they are supposed to act and put them in their separate sites. I might also add more characters in the book or give each of them more lines in the book.

Also I recently realized that I never credited the authors of the book. Which I'll be doing starting from now.

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