Ch.1 (Containment.)

392 14 53

Trigger warning, the following contains:
- swearing
- violence
- descriptions of gore and blood

The description of scenery is not written by me but a friend of mine that I'm gonna call our special background designer. If you found the scenery description good please thank her.

3rd person pov:

Within a dark forest, amongst the tall mahogany trees that scattered like ants across the forest covering every inch of land for all to see around them, lies a lone spot of land with a mansion containing a large backyard where time seems to be taking its course more slowly. Every blade of grass is cut artistically, and everything around the grass is arranged partially above normal expectations. The mansions shadow casts a permanent color of black across the yard along the trees that stretch into the sky, yet the light refracts so perfectly from the angles of all that the pool in the backyard shines crystal blue as if nothing had ever been done to the water, and to some, this small home, is a paradise.

But then there is the question of, why? Why is there a mansion in the middle of nowhere?

The answer is....

Because Y/N managed to get a shit ton of cash and bought a large plot of land because they wanted a mansion with a swimming pool that was far away from other people.

And up on a nearby hill, that's a part of Y/N's property was 3 people spying on them, they're all wearing tactical armor and one of them is carrying binoculars. Definitely not trespassing or creepy in the slightest, right?

?:"Alright. Everyone remembers the plan, correct?"

??:"Yes, sir."


???:"The lights are still on in the anomaly's home though, shouldn't we wait for a bit longer until the anomaly falls asleep?"

?:"It's already 2 am, we've been waiting here for hours for the anomaly to fall asleep. Plus the foundation didn't give us much info about the anomaly since it's a newly discovered anomaly, for all we know the anomaly might not need sleep."

???:"Still, isn't this a bit risky? We don't know what power the anomaly has. For all we know it could summon a bunch of bones out of nowhere and pierce it through our souls!"

??:"That's the most random thing I heard of, this week. Like, where did you even get that idea from!?"


?:"Undertale!? Are you serious!? we could die trying to catch this anomaly and you're here thinking about a video game!?"

???:"Well I mean it could technically happen...."

??:"Yeah but the chances of that happening are small."

???:"Yeah, and I thought that minecraft enderman was a part of the game not a part of an actual SCP!"

?:"The two of you shut better shut it! I can see the anomaly through my binoculars, they're exiting their home and walking into their backyard.... Wearing a swimsuit...?"

??:"They might have a private pool in their backyard but I didn't think they'd go swimming on a Tuesday, at 2 am, in the middle of fall...."

???:"Well what do we do now? Now we know that the anomaly is 100% awake so we can't just take them in their sleep. Other than that now that they're in the pool, we could end up drowning them if we're not careful."

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