Why did you think of it?

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The first thing you need to know, is to think why you're actually doing this. For example, if you're working on a pilates' or yoga project and it takes 30 days, 2 months, or even a year. Remember why you're doing it, before you continue take a brief moment, breathe, and start thinking "Why am I doing this?" Are you doing it because you want to be better at yoga because you enjoy yoga? Are you doing it because you want to become stronger but at some point you'll be super pissed and bored and will stop doing it because yoga isn't your thing? Are you doing it to take photos of yourself each day and have them on instagram and people will be amazed by what you can do?
Thinking about WHY you actually started will give you motivation and spirit equally to the ones you had when you started and sometimes if you actually like and enjoy what you're doing you will have more motivation and you'll be persistent to get to your destination.

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