Part One:

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Jack: I pull up to the club and cut my bike off. I pull my helmet off and take a deep breath the business trip is finally done. I started to look around and noticed a new bike in the parking lot maybe one of the guys got a new bike. I shove my helmet into my bag and walk in. HEY GUYS IM BACK. I couldn't find anyone but I heard a scream so I followed with my gun drawn. I kicked open the med bay door to see Hank being held down on the table. What the hell is going on?

Chip: Hank got shot so doc is taking the bullet out but he won't sit still so we're pinning him down. " Okay but why are his pants down?" He got shot in the dick.

Y/n: Can we catch everyone up later I got a mans dick in my hand and I got to get him fixed up. I growl as Hank thrashes again Boys let go for a second. I grab Hanks jaw in my hand and force him to look at me. My voice barely above a whisper and very threatening sounding. Hank either you sit still so I can get this out of your dick and you'll still be able to fuck Sarah or you'll be limp dick for the rest of your life cause I will leave that bullet so help me.... I watched as Hank called down and let me get the bullet out before I made sure nothing was damaged after being shot. Okay Hank your all good just be careful of all the stitches and tell Sarah I'm sorry but no dick till it's healed. " Really doc our anniversary is in three months." You should be healed by then just take it slow okay? " Okay doc."

Jack: Who the hell let a woman join our club it's supposed to be a all guys club expect for the guys bitches. I felt my cheek sting and I was facing backwards I shook my head before turning around and seeing the girl who was working on Hank now in front of me. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE! " Y/n l/n nice to meet you." You think just cause your new you can slap me?! " No I slapped you for insulting the wifes and girlfreinds and of my friends since they weren't here to do it for themselves." I look at her shocked not able to form words as she got her gear on. Chip are you just gonna let her slap me like that? " Considering what I just watched her do and she just scared the shit out of Hank yes yes I am." I grabbed her by the collar and pulled her up to my level me being 6'5 and her looking to be 5'8 I don't like bending down. Now listen here little miss stands up for everyone I don't like woman in my club or telling me what to do. "Well if that's the case one you can let go of my shirt and two *your voice gets dark* I will kick you in that balls so hard that you'll be on that table to see if I can save them from being busted." She looked at me eye brow raised as she waited for my answer...... I set her down gently wanting to keep my balls.

Y/n: I fix my shirt before putting on my jacket. Now if you excuse me I need to go and pick up stuff for the club. I step past everyone and get on my bike.* Up at the top* I start it up when chip starts up his I look at him funny." What the old lady needs a few things for dinner and asked if I could get them for her." I shake me head boy she has you whipped. " I know but I'd do anything for her." We head out and it takes about ten minutes to get to the store. We park our bikes and walk in. I head over to the pharmacy area picking up everything I need before meeting Chip in the food area. I find him in the produce running his hand through his hair. What are your looking for chip? " The old lady is wantinge to get beef stake tomatoes but they all look the same." I let out a little chuckle when he looks at me with pleading eyes. The ones on your left but don't grab the first two grab the ones under. " Why not these they look fine?" I bust out laughing as his thumb goes through the tomato and him starting to gag. Told you not those two.

Jack: I followed them to the store stating back a little so they don't see me. I watched as she grabbed everything she needed before finding chip. She helped him pick out stuff his lady needed for dinner. They were laughing and joke around drawing a few eyes to them till they seen the club jackets and then they'd hurry away. Our club is well known for being cruel if we need to be so that's no surprise of people running away. I kept watch while actually grabbing this I needed for my house so I didnt look to suspicious. I watch as they pay and get ready to leave when a guy stops them. I tried to get close to hear but there is to many people.

* The interaction*
Rg(random guy): You know I thought they only aloud guys in that club. Its must have gone to shit if they had a lady join. * His friends laughing*
Y/n: I grab chips arm and just nod towards the door. Come on let's just go it's not worth our time.
Rg: Hey bitch I'm talking to you * he grabs your jacket.* Oh no a I ripped the little lady's jacket do you think her man is gonna kill me?
Chip: Nope but she will.
Y/n: I take my jacket off slowly looking at the damage. It's a vintage jacket my great great grandfather made sure was given to me before he died he wore it when he was at war. I look at the rip and gently lay it in chips awaiting arms.

You turn around so fast the guy doesn't have a chance to blink. BAM CRUNCH! Your fist collided with his face and you know you at least broke one bone. He throws a punch but misses you swing again this time hitting him on the jaw.

Rg: You little bitch you broke my nose! I grabbed my nose to keep the blood from hitting my mouth.

Y/n: Next time I see you you'll have more then that. Don't ever touch my jacket do you hear me. I grab my jacket from chip and gently folded it before putting it in my bag. Chip you go ahead and take this back to the club house for me and leave it on my table I'll put it up when I get back I got to make a stop. I watch chip ride off before starting up my bike.

*Ride skip later*
I walk up to the nursing home door. " Hi how can I help you?" Hi um I'm here to see Margaret. " I'm sorry but it's passed visiting hours." I tilt my head to the side when I hear Janet run up. " Maria this is Margaret grey great granddaughter also the doctor for the one eyed snakes (sorry for the Bob's burgers reference 🤣) ." I watch as Maria's eyes got big and she tried to apologize. It's okay honey you didn't know. *Janet*" She's just finishing up dinner in the dinning room so you want to wait in her room our I can take you to the dinning room." Dinning room please. I watch her nod and tell me to follow her. We get to the dinning room and I walk in all of the other people stop talking and watch me walk to my grandma. I crouch down on one knee beside her.

Y/n: Hey grandma how are you doing?
Margaret: Oh my sweets my grandbaby! I couldn't help but wrap her in a hug it's been a few days since shes been to see me.
Y/n: I'm sorry I'm late grandma I had a few things come up.
Margaret: It's okay sweetheart I know you always come visit me. What aren't you wearing your grandpa's jacket?
Y/n: That's one reason I'm here I was at the store and a guy ripped it. I was wondering if you could fix it for me you know just the right way to do it.
Margaret: Janet take me to my room I have business to deal with. Come on deary let's go fix your jacket.

You and grandma sat for a while after she fixed the jacket till it was time for her to go to bed.

You lean over and kiss her head.
Y/n: Good night grandma I love you.
Margaret: Good night my sweetheart I love you to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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