thirty eight

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i open my mouth to yawn, stretching my hands above my head as i slowly lift the blanket off of me.

i rub my eyes, my vision still blurry a little. with my eyes still closed, i stretch out my hand to find my phone, and when i get it i check the time.

2:45, okay. as usual.

i stand up on rocky feet, opening my eyes. though i'm not where i thought i was.

with furrowed brows, confusion rattles my bones as inspect my surroundings. i'm in dominic's house, in his bed, but he's not here.


i don't remember coming here, so how am i here. did he drug me again? i doubt it.

i rack through my memories, trying to figure out how i got here last night, pulling my hair out of the bun it's in.

and that's when the memories of last night come crashing in.

i see the same man from the restaurant. smiling at me in a really fucking creepy way, all teeth bared to me. he very slowly brings up one hand and menacingly waves at me, tilting his head to the right.

he found me.

"ayda." i hear an unfamiliar voice coo behind me, and i see him when i turn around, his nose is bleeding, and some blood falls to his mouth. and the fucking psycho licks the blood.

a shiver makes its way through my spine.

adrenaline takes over as i turn left, and keep on running. i feel the concrete floor stabbing into my feet. but i don't stop. i just run, and run, and run

i look down at my feet, suddenly feeling the pain course through, and a gasp leaves my lips when i see that they're bandaged.

i hear someone's footsteps reach me from behind, and i look behind me, only seeing dominic. i clutch onto his body, my shoulders racking with each sob as i hug his frame, crying into his chest as he holds me.

oh my god, i feel like i'm going to faint.

i clutch my stomach, sitting down on the bed. though i shoot right up and run to the bathroom when i gag, needing to vomit.

i kneel in front of the toilet, hurling out everything i consumed last night. i sit there for god knows how long. once i stand up i feel woozy, like my body isn't my own.

so much went down last night, but it doesn't feel like a memory. it feels like a dream.

i look down, noticing that my dress is still on from last night.

i very slowly walk to my closet, grabbing a random top and shorts without looking and throw them on. leaving my dress on the floor, deciding i'll deal with that later.

ignoring all the emotions that are crashing down all at once, i decide to go look for dominic and ask him.

"dom?" i speak, my voice shaky.

i step outside, and light blinds me. why the fuck is it so sunny at almost 3am? unless.. no. there's no way i slept for that long. maybe the sun forgot its schedule or something.

ignoring that new emotion, i call out for my boyfriend again.

"dominic?" i yell it this time, maybe he's on the other side of the house.

stolen touches (scotia springs #1)Where stories live. Discover now