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"Mom, can Alex stay the night on Friday?" Derek Shepherd asked his mother, Addison, one night while she was cooking dinner.

"I don't know Der, Owen and I both have to work, and Aunt Amy was going to come over and spend the night, April's going to be at Arizona's"

Derek groaned. "Amelia, really? Mom, I'm almost fifteen! I don't need a babysitter"

"Uh, yes you do. The last time you convinced me to leave you and Alex here for the night, I came home to one of my favourite lamps smashed and the two of you on the roof at 3 am!" Addison said, looking up at Derek with her famous 'mom face' that Derek hated to see.

"Please! Let this be our do-over. Prove to you we can be responsible"

"Not this time"

Derek was desperate. He walked around to the other side of the counter and stood in front of his mother. "We'll invite Jackson. He's too scared of getting in trouble to let us do anything stupid"

"Jackson is a teenage boy. Adding him to the mix doesn't pacify me one bit. Especially because he knows I won't talk to his father about what he does here if I can help it" Addison said, moving past Derek to get something out of the fridge.

"Well, April's not gonna be here, right? You said she's spending the night at Arizona's. So, he's not gonna do anything stupid. You won't even have to talk to Doctor Sloan! I'll ask him myself" Derek pleaded.

"I'll talk to Owen tonight and see what he thinks. If the answer is no, then you've gotta let it go, Derek."

"Aunt Amy can still come over if it gives you peace of mind. We'll just stay up playing video games, you know we will"

Addison sighed. "I'll talk to Owen. Now get out of the kitchen before I throw a meatball at your head!"

Derek chuckled and stole a banana from the fruit bowl as he ducked out of the way of the wooden spoon covered in spaghetti sauce. Addison rolled her eyes and went back to cooking dinner.

Making his way into the den and turning on the TV, April groaned from the couch.

"What's got your panties in a twist, Apes?"

She shut the book she was reading and sent him a glare. "Don't call me Apes. And I was reading quietly in here until you decided to ruin it"

"Maybe don't read in the den where the TV we watch is" Derek said with a shrug.

"Maybe watch TV in the living room when you know I'm in here!" April shot back, loudly.

"Quit the fighting, you two" Addison called from the kitchen.

"Fine, I'll go to the living room" April muttered, taking her book with her.

April and Derek had never really gotten along. April had an older sister who no longer lived at home, Teddy. She was twenty now and was studying at the University of Washington, though she was living in the halls as opposed to with Owen and Addison. She came home most weekends for a good home-cooked meal. However, this weekend approaching had her and some friends going to Portland for a break, which meant fourteen-year-old April jumped at the chance to go to her best friend Arizona's house for a sleepover. Anything to avoid Friday night in the house with Derek.

Derek chuckled as April stalked away, his phone vibrating with a text from Alex soon after.

*Did ur mom cave?*

Derek sighed as he sent the reply.

*Not yet, shes talking to GI Joe 2nite. I'll know 2moro*

The family dynamic had been a little weird in the last five years when Owen, April, and Teddy moved into Addison and Derek's giant house. His Aunt Amelia had been living with them before that since Derek was two. But then he turned ten and his mom dropped the bomb that her boyfriend and his two daughters would be living with them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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