Chapter 1: ''The Days We Lost.''

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Let me start by saying that English is not my native language so the translation may be a bit goofy. You will ask why I don't write in my native language? Because the audience there is small, especially for this type of novel. I hope someone will enjoy it. Please make corrections about the text, but without being salty.


Day 1.

It was the end. Well, maybe not at that moment, but it was slowly approaching. The siblings were not ready for what was yet to come. No one was. Stories of the living dead circulated around the world, but no one believed that such an apocalypse could actually happen because why should it?

On that day, September 4, 2023, a young boy was preparing for his first day of school after the summer break. He was admittedly starting his last class so he had to study harder. He woke up in the morning without any desire to get up, in other words, as usual. "And again...," he sighed protractedly. He went straight to the bathroom to freshen up and when he did, he went down the stairs a floor below to prepare breakfast. The boy lived in a single-family house in a small village near a city in Poland. One could say that he lived in the middle of nowhere, it was not residential heights. His sister Kaja, who was four years younger, entered the kitchen, a petite little girl with disheveled dark hair a little above her shoulders. She sat at the table, sleepy and barely making contact.

"Are they gone?" she asked, looking out into the hallway with one eye.

"Who? The parents? Dad is in the garage. Mom is working today." He replied, redirecting his gaze to her. "I'm making scrambled eggs."

The girl grabbed the TV remote control, flipping channels one by one, while nodding at her brother's words. She was not picky, but eggs were not her favorite dish. Still, she tried not to sound offensive. On television boredom according to Kaya; cartoons, boring series, news. One piece of information, on the other hand, caught Emil's attention.

"...A man bit off the face of a homeless man. This is no joke, to say the least. A murder with particular cruelty took place on a housing estate in Gdansk, according to investigators, the victim was alive when the act was committed. It is suspected that this was the result of taking-"

Emil snatched the remote control from Kai's hand and turned off the TV. He quickly distracted her by placing a plate of scrambled eggs under her nose. He himself also sat down at the table, starting the meal. The boy's pulse quickened, reflecting on what he had just heard.

"Is something wrong?" The blond felt the girl's gaze on him. He reciprocated it, looking at her worriedly.

"I don't know... No." He assured after a while. "I just think too much."

"Are you sure?" she inquired.

"Yes... have you perhaps heard of zombies?"

"And who hasn't heard?" a piece of scrambled egg slid into her mouth from her fork. She swallowed preceding it with a long silence of awkward staring at each other with her brother. "So what?"

"Never mind. It's just my stupid head."

Silence ensued, punctuated by the mewling of both siblings. They ate their meal in silence, not feeling the need to discuss anything. Emil felt a slight uneasiness, but he dismissed the feeling with thoughts of school, which caused a twist in his stomach. He had disliked school since he was a child, but was glad that it was finally his last year.

"We should go, Kaja. It starts in 30 minutes." she said. Emil urged her after she ate, checking the time. The clock showed twenty minutes past eight and that meant it would be a good idea to hurry if they wanted to make it in time.

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