Chapter 1

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At the under-construction Azur Lane base, Wales is looking over the dockyard as it has just gotten finished with the upgrades that it needed to be more efficient in repairing ships that have gotten damaged.

 Wales: Good, now let's set about getting the dorms ready for the Royal Navy, I would like for these to be done as soon as possible.

The manjuu salutes and goes off to tell their crews for the next bit of work to do

Jus then Cleveland comes up from behind

Cleveland: BOO


Wales takes a breath then sees who startled her

Wales: Cleveland, that is very rude, startling the commander of this naval port. I have stuff to do you know, I can't waste my time looking behind me every so often to be faced by your childish pranks. Its unbecoming as a lady

Cleveland: (shrugs) Eh, ok. Anyways how's the dockyard, seems to look like that it is good to go

Wales: Yes, it is now complete and now I have sent the manjuus to build the Royal Navy dorms for when they arrive. I just hope they are up to the standards of her majesty

Cleveland: Ha, well gotta get going, see you...later?

Cleveland looks out to the mouth of the harbor and sees smoke rising into the air. Wales looks to where Cleveland is looking and realizes that something was going on. The alarm is quickly sounded and a security force compromising Wales, Cleveland, Laffey and Javelin.

Once everyone is assembled, they head out of the harbor in their rigging and towards the smoke...

A little later, they soon arrive at the source of the smoke, and is revealed to be a black and grey painted ship, listing to the portside and is down by the stern. two double barreled cannons rise into the air as if aiming towards an enemy that no one sees.

They all get onboard as the water is lapping at the very stern of the ship and the boarding process was very easy.

Cleveland: Be careful, it's an Iron Blood ship, based on the tattered flag still waving on its mast. But the problem is that this is something I don't even know. What happened?

Wales: I agree, there are no records from Azur Lane about this kind of ship being attacked by our forces. Makes me wonder how we haven't noticed this...

As they continue along the main deck, a tiny explosion rocks the ship, throwing Javelin down onto the wooden deck. Laffey helps the royal navy girl to her feet and the group continues into the ship.

Inside is absolute destruction, water drips from cracks in the roof and walls. Rust and algae grom from where previous bits of water have dripped from shell impacts. As they continue up towards to where the bridge is located.

They soon reach a records room and went inside. Everything was a mess; papers and folders are strewn everywhere. The problem is that this room is very dry and showed no signs of water or battle damage. As they look around, they come across design plans for the ship.

They then look at the top left corner of the plans and see 'Hannover'

Cleveland: Hannover? Da fuck is that?

Wales: Language you girl... Now where did I hear of this name before hmmm, guess we'll take this to the base for study. This could be useful.

The other agrees and take as much documents as they can. Once they head out of the room, they hear a groan come from a sealed hatch. Everyone is scared from the noise. The destroyers head back outside to bring the documents to the base while Cleveland and Wales continue on.

Vengeful Hannover of Iron bloodWhere stories live. Discover now