chapter 2: A Psycho with Heart †

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All of this started a month ago Arun (the masked man) was on his usual task of keeping an eye on the officials working on his case.He had hacked the security system of the police department.
"*Smirks*these idiots think they can catch me*laughs*in their dreams"
He skips through the cameras until he sees something which caught his attention.
"Another psychologist these people really think they can change a person's attitude through some therapy.*sigh*.
Wait a minute isn't he the robber guy who killed a old woman during one of his robbery does she (psychologist )not know about him why is she smiling and talking to him as if he were her friend".

Without even noticing Arun was lost listening to her.(An hour goes by)The session comes to an end.
"Wow! she's quite an interesting character.lets see who she actually is"...
"That's strange why isn't she registered in the police department's records.
(A whole day goes by in search of her details)
"Aha!! there you go baby finally found you.Name...Arya nice, student of criminology blah blah blah oh! guardian so you're an orphan hmmmm".

Arun shuts his laptop and goes to bed but all he could do is think about Arya.
Arun finds himself listening to all of her sessions over and over again.
Arun's obsession with Arya grew to the point where he started stalking her everyday.He was enchanted by every single detail about her.
(He continuously stalks her for months)

Arun walks down the basement and pauses before a wall and starts removing the tapestry revealing a metal door.He opens it and walks in,
He smiles menacingly at the boy tied by the metal chains
"Did you miss me I guess not"Arun says to him.
(Sobbing )"Please I'm sorry, what I did is wrong I have learnt my lesson now please let me go I will not utter a word to anyone"the boy says
"Should have thought that before you flippedoff kid". Arun says.
"Anyways kid I'm feeling generous today I may provide you with the gift of freedom but.... you'll have to earn it kid"
"I'd do anything please tell me"the boy
"That's more like a good boy,Now get on your knees and beg me to set you free"

He walks up to the chair and sits on it with his legs crossed, the weak boy slowly starts walking towards him.

" HURRY up!! I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY" Arun yells at him.
"Please I beg you my family will be worried,it was just a dare I didn't mean to flip you off.please forgive me and set me free I can't take this anymore.
Please please I promise to not utter anything about you".the boy begs him crying.

Arun starts laughing his laughter echoes through the room.

"Oh I love this, It is my favourite part you people make me feel powerful *laughs* very well I'm impressed its time to set you free now".

Arun takes the knife beside him and slashes his throat the boy falls to the ground and bleeds to death.

"You know kid the only way a person can achieve freedom in life is through Death" he says to the dead boy.
Honestly speaking you were a nice toy to play with".
He picks up the picture of Arya
"It would take a minute for me to make you mine but before that I shall prove you and all the police department of what Arun is capable of ".
"There's only one way".
"Getting caught".

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