Chapter 4

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Elizabeth POV!

The guy who caught Kat look at Kats neck and licked his lips, and I could see the hunger in his eyes!

With that I lunged at him but some one caught me in mid air and held my waist and kissed my neck!

I turned my head to see that the guy who was holding me was pretty cute!!

Then I hear Kat scream! I look over and the prince who had her started biting her! I tried to get her! But I was held back!

" let me save my sister! She probably dead by now!!" I yelled

" she's human we can do wat ever we want to her!" I heard the guy holding me say in my ear

"Do it to me then!! Not her!" I yelled

" we can't do that, u r a vampire too, your blood isn't as sweet and tasty as hers!" He said aloud

Kat was still screaming!

Finally the guy stopped biting her, oddly Kat was still sleeping?

They dragged us out to the car and opened the doors and let us walk in, but they threw Kat in the fricken trunk!

I'm done! There dead!

I got up out of my seat to kill them but Aries held me down, I totally forgot she was hear! She was so quiet, then I noticed she had blood all down her arms, her eyes were losing color and she had duck tape on her mouth! Who ever fudge did this and they will pay! Just then Aries pasted out!

Don't worry werewolves can't die by blood lose! That all I can think about, she won't die, she will live! But Kat she's human she can die of blood lose and many other things!.

Authors note!

Srry for the short chapter! My friend wanted me to update! So I did!!

My iPod is about to die!






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