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Shaking and churning

her late mother's tree;

for only her falling

down shoes, dress and key.


The look on Wriothesley's face was still fresh in your mind while you were walking through Meropide. Evidently, he hadn't expected you to call off the engagement at all, going by how shocked he had reacted when you'd just walked out and left without another word.

He had finally shown some goddamn emotion other than his icy indifference or slight anger towards you and in all honesty, you were pretty pleased with yourself. Even if you hadn't really thought about all the repercussions this admittedly rash decision was going to have for you yet. You just shoved those thoughts into the back of your head and concentrated on following Joseph through the Fortress of Meropide.

He had waited for you in front of Wriothesley's office, ready to bring you the nurse to have a look at your hand. You still thought this was a massive blowing up of the situation, but Joseph had been kind to you, so you didn't want to refuse his eagerness.

You saw some more parts of the Fortress, but it all looked the same to you. Metal walls, some wood, stone or cement here and there. At some parts there was even water leaking in and dropping down to the floor. You really wouldn't miss this place and your visits to it.

Joseph brought you to the nursery and to your surprise you were met with the sight of a small person. Very, very small, almost like a child. She was the only one there, which confused you at first, because she couldn't be the nurse, now, could she? But when she turned around, you realized your mistake. This person was indeed the nurse, but she wasn't human. She was a Melusine.

"Sigewinne!" Joseph greeted her. "I brought you a guest. The Duke's fiancée got hurt." And then he introduced you with your name.

"Finally I get to meet you!" Sigewinne welcomed you warmly! "I've been pestering Wriothesley for ages to introduce me to you!"

"It's nice to meet you, Sigewinne," you greeted her as well. "But it can't be ages, it's only been around three weeks that we are engaged."

"I know, I know," she laughed and gestured for you to sit down on one of the hospital beds. "Now, where seems to be the problem?"

"She got hurt in a conflict with a new inmate. It was basically my fault..." Joseph explained in your stead while you sat down and unwrapped your palm. "Her hand is bleeding."

"It's not that bad, just a scratch," you told her with a sigh as you turned up your hand to show her the 'damage'.

Sigewinne took a look at it, gently holding your hand in hers. "Hm. That really is not that bad."

"Finally, someone with a realistic sense of judgement!" You couldn't help but laugh with how badly everyone had overreacted.

"I am still very, very sorry, milady!" Joseph apologized yet again, but you waved it off. It really wasn't a big deal. " In that case, I'm going to leave you be, milady. I hope to see you again soon!"

'Yeah, no,' you thought, but didn't say that to Joseph. He didn't need to know, he'd probably think it was his fault again. He left, though not without sending you another thankful smile. You guessed it was for how you had defended him in front of Wriothesley.

Cinderella Story [Wriothesley x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now