Mrs. Brown the lvl 100 gyatt teacher

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It was in class the next day when Derek gave the camera a cheeky smile and threw a paper ball at Maegen's head,"Dude what the heck!?" she angryed.

"Yo what happened last night I can't remember" he chucled, somehow not using punctuation irl,"Omfg you little bitch boy," Maegen bullied him.

Derek just rolled his eyes and looked for trouble elsewhere,"Yo teacher!"
"Don't shout out!" Mrs brown shouted,"just answer me ho," Derek chuckled,"OUT OF LESSON THAT'S IMMEDIATELY DETENTION!!"

"Ooh somebody's in trouble~" Julia said all cheeky like, Damien mentally face palmed at goofy Derek."loser" Maegen said at him,"Shut up Maegen you little emo," he chuckled.

"ENOUGH" Mrs. Brown shouted,
"I bet your husband is tired of your yapping," Derek chuckled funnily,
"Ughhhhh bitchh," Derek chuckled.

Derek slammed the door on his way out,"Electric chair," Maegen pointed at the air,"Keep your thoughts to your self Maegen,"
"Pay attention to the board too,"
"I'll waterboard you mate," Maegen threatened.

"Do you want to end up like Derek now do you!"
"No he's fucking ugly,"

"Hey rat don't talk about my Bro™ like that!" Damien yelled dominantly,
"Damn y'all got escorts here," Maegen lol'd. But Mrs. Brown called to teachers to get Maegen out.

"no" Maegen refused,
"May you two escort out this troubled child," the teacher said gyattily,
"Im not troubled, but your marriage is though," Maegen cheekied,

Two escorts grabbed Maegen,"More like uhhhhhhh your husband has a little dick," Maegen was grabbing at straws fr, Mrs.Brown tried to rugby tackle her but it didn't happen so she just looked stupid.

"Shits getting wild!" Julia evilly laughed,"Unlike Mrs. Brown's sex life," Maegen emoticoned and
Mrs. Brown fell on a student and the student get crushed,"uh miss are you okay?" Adrian asked her.

She gets back up and trips over a table,"deserved." Then she falls on another student who also gets crushed,"dude wtf," Maegen gasped.

She got off the student but didn't apologise,"miss calm down You'll have a heart attack," Julia said, Mrs.Brown goes rabid and runs at Maegen but Maegen just kicks the fat fuck in the face,"OOH Derek's missing out!" Damien almost hit the griddy.

"EWWWWWW NONCE!" Maegen squealed,"I'm recording this shit," Julia started recording,"Guys please calm down," Maria panicked,
"No, let's not," Maegen was super amused.

"Yeah whatever I'm outta here," Ace gave up and walked away,"He's probably going to make out with Derek in detention," Julia mumbled, Mrs.Brown got angry and charged at Maegen,"EWWWWW YOU FAT FUCKING BITCH!" Maegen screamed.

Two escorts try and pull Maegen away,"Fuck off pedos," she pushed em away.

The hot principal walked in,"Hey Maegen how's you std?"
"Shut upp!" Maegen groaned,"People can't know you did it!"
"YOU CHEATED ON ME!?" Mrs. Brown shouted,"Mrs. Brown is having an affair!?" Damien asked, shocked.

"😱" Maegen said,
"I knew that slut had something off about her!" Julia giggled and Mrs.Brown charged again,"dude fuck off it aint funny," Maegen rolled her eyes.

Mrs.Brown misses and falls out the 2 story window,"😱" Maegen said,
"THE BITCH FELL!" Julia grinned with genuine enthusiasm,"Is she okay!?" Maria asked,"oh I hope not." Maegen cringed.

"Finally, she got on my nerves literally-" Sofia gave a sassy look,
"Real as hell," Maegen sent her finger guns.

"Bruv, does it look like she's okay!?" Adrian squealed like a anime girl,"I'd better call the ambulance if I don't want to get sued!" The principle said.

The bell went and Maegen sighed in relief,"Saved by the bell!"

The class rushed out and let the principal deal w/ it and went to the cafeteria in their groups.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED WHWN I WAS GONE!?" Derek chuckled to the bros,"Yeah, you literally shoulda been there-" Damien laughed, masculinely.

"I generally think she may be dead dudes," Adrian wiped the sweat from his forehead,"no shit it's two stories and she landed terribly!' Julia laughed,"Finally that bitch got her karma!" Derek chuckled loudly,
"Ur just mad she gave you them detentions," Adrian sassed him,
"Whatever dude-" Derek chuckled.

Sofia walked up to them,"Damien what does your bitch want?" Derek chuckled, whispering."Hey guys!" Sofia grinned,"Yeah..?"
"Hey..?" The bros weren't impressed.

"I just wanted to warn you about somebody." She said,
"The fucks that?" Derek chuckled,
"Well, I recently heard Maegen has a contagious disease," she smirked.

Derek got confused so he shouted to Maegen,"Girl, what," she scoffed,
"Yo, sort this bitch out who's spreading rumours about you so she stops bothering me and my bros!" He chuckled.

Maegen stood tf up,"Okay, bitch. Wtf you sayin about me?"
"Omg, get away please i don't wanna get it!" Sofia whined,
"You really need to get fucked if you want attention THIS much."

"Wdym!! I'd never lie!" Sofia pouted,
"Second biggest lie," Julia rubbed the back of her neck, avoiding eye contact,"Girl... ur named Sofia,"
"Well atleast I'm popular and everyone loves me!"

"The only thing making you popular is Maria," Derek chuckled,
"Ya. Only reason you're popular is cause you look funky and you're Maria's mate like what?"

"I did so it's not nobody," Maegen shrugged,"Ugh, I bet I could steal all your loser friends in a heartbeat because im so great,"
"no," Maegen shook her head.

"This girl really got nerve," Julia said looking Sofia up and down,"teehee," Maegen giggled,"Listen Sofia, nobody likes you so go annoy Maria or something.

"What!?" Sofia squealed,"I bet Adrian still likes me, right!?"
"All you do is annoy me in class, I didn't ask to be your partner,"
"I swear I'll ruin all you reputations, you'll see!" She growled.

Damien went dark and evil.

"Sofia. It's over, bitch,"
"Nobody threatens my bros like that so you should just fuck off." He growled,"WHATEVER!"Sofia dramatically yelled before stomping away while everyone's looking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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