We are Carnage

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Ruby: Ugh how did I end up with you again?

Carnage: Time for a trip memory lane...


Young Ruby: Yang, dad I don't feel very well...

Tai Yang: What are you talking about-

Ruby the puked up some blood as Tai Yang and Yang felt fear, they rushed her to a hospital as she begin to feel worse until she passed our, when they arrive at the hospital the doctor quickly rushed her into a medical room, what felt like hours for Tai Yang and Yang while they waited for Ruby to be better, a doctor come out with a sad look on his face.

Doctor: I am sorry to say this but your daughter is very ill, she has a really low chance to survive but a high chance of dying...

This devastated Tai Yang and Yang, they told Qrow what happen and every day they will sit and pray that Ruby will survive and come out healthy, every day their fear becomes more evident when Ruby some times flat lined only for her heart to restart, she was growing weaker by each day but what no one would expect was something not from their world would be the one to save her, while not long away a ball of fire was falling towards the ground in fast pace, when it hit the ground it left a giant crater, a red sludge slowly crawled out of it and begin to search for something, months later with the Xiao Longs and Qrow, they were sitting at a table in their home having a sad look on their face.

Tai Yang: Can't believe that Ruby is dying...

Qrow: The worst part is, she is the last we have of Summer...

Yang: I wish there was something that can help her, I don't want to lose her...

She begin to sobbing as Tai Yang hug her.

Tai Yang: There, there Yang, just let it out...

Yang begin to cry.

Qrow: I feel like this is my semblance fault...

Tai Yang: No it isn't.

Qrow: I hope she pulls through, if I also lose her then I feel like we have completely lost Summer.

Tai Yang: The only thing we can do is pray she will survive...

While with the red sludge, it has attached itself to summon and slowly found a new one before going another one until he is jumper to the doctor that was looking after Ruby, when the doctor enters Ruby's room the sludge quickly see her and what condition she is in, the doctor did some checks before he begin to leave, the red sludge got off him and slowly made its way to Ruby, it crawls onto her hospital bed as it begin to form a hand and grab her wrist before slowly entering her skin, her heart monitor shows that her heart slowly worked until she flat lined, a nurse that was walking by heard it and quickly told the doctors, they tried their best but her heart wouldn't start working, they call her family to tell them the news, they rush to the hospital scared that it is true, when they arrive to see the sad look on the doctors faces they begin to cry, they asked to be alone with Ruby as the doctor allowed it, they cried as they watch Ruby's dead body, Ruby begin to slowly open her eyes while yawning which shocked her family.

Ruby: Morning Dad, Yang and uncle Qrow.

Tai Yang: Ruby you are alive?!

Ruby: Is something wrong?

Before she could get a answer Yang hugged her while crying.

Qrow: Kid, your heart had flat lined a lot of time, this one was the last time it flat lined...

She looks to the heart monitor to see there was completely flat line while a continuous long beep could be heard.

Ruby: But I feel fine.

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