Carnage Revealed

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Carnage: That could have gone better...


To say that Tai Yang, Yang and Qrow tried getting Carnage off Ruby was a understatement, Ruby had to explain that Carnage is keeping her alive, to say that they were shocked was not surprising, but they do keep a eye on Carnage to make sure he doesn't cause trouble.

*Flashback to the day she told them about Carnage aftermath*

Yang: I don't trust this parasite Ruby.

Ruby could be seen feeding Carnage a cookie as she just look at Yang.

Ruby: I don't trust him either, but he does have his good moments.

Yang: Name me one.

Ruby: First day I discovered him, he protected me from being robbed, he make sure I am healthy, helped me avoid multiple bullies trying something, helped me with all types of weapons, helping me making cookies by using his tendrils to grab what I need.

Carnage: Yeah, it's not like I have eaten her liver or anything.

Yang suddenly run to try find her father while Ruby just look at Carnage.

Ruby: You need help.

Carnage: You need to admit, that was hilarious.

Ruby just shook her head as Carnage continue to laugh.

Ruby: Did you eat my liver?

Carnage: No, I have eaten some of the cookies that were getting digested, you need to stop with all that sugar.

*Flashback over*

Ruby: THE WORST PART WAS THAT YOU DECIDED TO ACT PSYCHO AND SAY 'Hello humans, I have taken control of this little rose and is going to kill you before eating you insides', WHO STARTS OUT WITH THAT!

Carnage: Me.


*Flashback Morning*

Carnage could be seen covering Ruby's body as he walks down stair while Ruby's head was still free, it was evident she was deep asleep.

Tai Yang: I would say morning, but Ruby is still asleep.

Carnage: Well then human, what is for breakfast today?

Tai Yang: Let Ruby cook you something, I do not trust you.

Carnage: Alright so this rose here is my breakfast got it.


Carnage: What is stopping me-

Ruby yawned and begin to stretch a bit before realizing she is in the kitchen.

Ruby: Let me guess, Carnage...

Yang and Tai Yang: Carnage...

Ruby let out a sigh as she knew he caused trouble again.

*Flashback over*

Carnage: I did ask what was for dinner, not my fault they forgot you are my host and I need you.

Ruby groaned as she decided to shut up until they were out of public eye, people must have thought she is insane do to her shouting at nothing, but in reality she was shouting at her symbiotic parasite friend, they arrive at a dust shop as Ruby walk over to magazines before pulling out her headphones and listening to music while reading the magazines.

Ruby *Mind*: Nothing can ruin this.

Carnage: I wouldn't be so sure.

Ruby suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder, she turns around looking at the man behind her.

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