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Author's Pov

The moment he heard the news, his mind went blank. The image of Jeia in her blue hoodie and jeans flashed vividly in his memory.

He called Jeia many times, each ring making him more anxious. She didn't pick up a single call.

Feeling disappointed He dialed Sameer's number. "Sameer, did you see the news?" he asked, his voice laced with fear

"Which news?" Sameer replied.

"Switch on the TV."

Sameer did as Aarav instructed. After a few moments, he exclaimed, "Damn it, man! Wasn't Jeia also wearing a blue hoodie? Shit, is that her?" Sameer sounded shocked and afraid.

Aarav's fear was evident in his reply. "Yes, she wore the same clothing." Aarav paused

"There's only one way to know," Sameer said. "Meet me in ten. We'll go to her place."

"Alright." Aarav replied, already grabbing his keys and heading out the door.

Aarav picked up Sameer on the way, and they headed to the PG. Upon reaching the door, they started banging on it, but there was no response. After several rounds of banging, footsteps were heard from inside.

Aarav's pov

As we continued banging on the door, the anticipation clawed at my nerves. Footsteps approached, and with a click, the door was unlocked.

There she stood, safe and sound in her red Christmas pajamas with messy hair, rubbing her eyes as if just woken up. I felt relieved upon looking at her

"Dudh Wale uncle thoda dheere knock Kiya Karo please,"(milkman please knock softly next time) she groggily complained.

I couldn't help but flick her forehead in frustration.
"Ouch," she groaned, glaring up at me.

"Singhania tum?(you) How dare you," she yelled, her voice tinged with irritation.

Ignoring her, I stepped into the apartment. "What are you doing here this early? Kuch kaam na ho toh niklo yaha se,"(If there's nothing to do, get out of here.) she demanded.

"Jaahil ladki, news on Karo Zara,"(Stop being a moron and switch on the damn news, now!)I retorted firmly.

Jeia reluctantly moved to turn on the TV just as Saniya entered the room. With the news channel flickering to life, the screen flashed with the grim report. Both girls gasped in horror at the sight of the victim's body.

The remote slipped from her hand, "So I was actually getting followed." She said her eyes widened in shock.

He turned to her, noticing the shock reflected in her widened eyes. "What do you mean?" he asked.

Jeia added , her voice tinged with fear, "If it wasn't her, then it would have been me," her words echoing the gravity of the situation they found themselves in.

"Khul kar batao jeia.",(Speak openly)Sameer said

Author's Pov

"Last night, I got back really late because I accidentally fell asleep in the library while heading back to the PG. I heard footsteps, but thinking it was just my imagination, I kept walking without looking back. Suddenly, I felt like someone had grabbed my bag from behind. Terrified, I screamed and looked back, only to realize that my bag had just been caught on a small tree branch. I laughed as I was being paranoid , I hurriedly ran from the scene." Jeia narrated.

"Why didn't you tell me this last night?", Saniya asked.

"I thought I was imagining things and I didn't want you to worry because of my overthinking.",Jeia's admission hung heavy in the tense atmosphere. "Turned out I was right," she muttered.

"Seems like the murderer wanted to kill you," sameer remarked, his tone grave. His words lingered in the air.

Aarav's gaze remained fixed on Jeia, his expression unreadable. His silence spoke volumes.
Jeia's hand waved in front of Aarav's face as she voiced her concern. "Now what happened to you?" she inquired.

"Uhh huh? Nothing.", aarav replied

"Actually," Sameer began, his voice breaking the silence, "he saw the news and remembered that you wore the same clothing as the victim, so he called me , and we rushed over to you."

"Oh, wow, Singhania," she exclaimed, a hint of sarcasm lacing her words, "so you came here to confirm whether I actually died?" Jeia joked sarcastically. Aarav stared at her in disbelief

Saniya's phone rang, and she excused herself to answer it. Meanwhile, Aarav and Sameer decided to take their leave, quietly slipping out of the room.

To be continued

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