13 - 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚢

143 11 102

This chapter contains panic attack!!
If you struggle with this please don't be scared to reach out.


I stared at the ceiling, my eyes wide open, unable to close.

My body ached with exhaustion, every muscle tensed, every nerve frayed.

Every time I tried to close my eyes, it was like something was pressing down on my chest, whispering voices I couldn't silence.

I rolled over for the hundredth time, my sheets twisted and soaked with sweat. My mind was like a prison, replaying the same thoughts. Same memories.

Tears welled up in my eyes, but I was too tired to cry.
I lay there, trapped in my own mind, praying for sun to bring some peace, knowing that as soon as it would come up it would only bring another day of the same relentless torment.

I couldn't take this anymore.
I was too tired of lying to myself into believing that everything was better when it wasn't.

"Tomorrow, at 10pm."

The rage inside me was like a wildfire, consuming everything in its path. Every beat of my heart felt like the strike of a hammer against glass, each pulse threatening to shatter the fragile facade of composure I've struggled to maintain.

I wanted to scream until my throat was raw, to lash out at the world and watch it crumble at my feet.

The room felt too small, suffocating in its stillness. Every object, every surface, taunted me with its permanence.
I wanted to break it all.
every vase, every picture frame, every reminder of a life that has become nothing but a cruel joke.

My hands tremble with the urge to destroy, to tear apart every fabric of reality until there was nothing left but chaos.

I sat up on my bed, my hands clenching on my hair. I was pulling it out, as if it would ease my pain in any way.

I couldn't stop tears streaming down my face. I couldn't take it anymore. It wasn't fair.

I tried to kept quiet, but neither could I do that. Silent cries grew into an ugly crying.

Tears were suffocating me, as I tried to stop them by using every bit of energy I had but it wasn't working. Nothing was working.

I stood up, walking back and forth around my room, trying to calm myself down as I was still clenching on roots of my hair, somehow trying to rip it out.

I didn't want anyone to hear about my loud sobs, although I knew someone would, since almost everyone was spending night in our house, due to my parents being out of the city.

Then I saw door opening and before I could try to do something about it, Minho was in my room.

I tried to calm myself down, yet I couldn't help but collapse to the floor, unable to control my sobs.

He kneeled down. I could hear his voice, but it wasn't clear what was he saying. I couldn't hear anything but his voice in my mind.

Before I could even realize what was happening, I was sitting on the bathroom floor, cold water running down on my face, along with my whole body.

I slowly let go of my hair, yet I couldn't stop trembling, which wasn't from cold water.

He was trying to calm me down with words I couldn't hear.
My eyes were stinging with tears, although I could feel slowly calming down.

He turned off the shower, then picked me up and rushed me towards bedroom with a towel wrapped around my clothed body.

"You alright?" He asked me, with worried face. I tried to say something, but I could only give him a nod.

He sat beside me, untill I gained some strength to break the silence, after changing into dry clothes.
He never once dared to look untill I spoke.

"I'm sorry for waking you up."
"Don't be." He held my hand.

I could only realize that my face scars weren't covered up, when frown formed on his face, his eyes looking at the scar below my eye.

"It's nothing extreme." I started, trying to make up excuses that would be believable. "Dog scratched me a long time ago."

"We're gonna talk about all this tomorrow. You need to sleep now." He kept his voice steady.

"There's nothing to talk about.
I can handle myself."

"Alright then. I'll leave you to handle yourself alone." He stood up, making his way to the door.

"Could you.. stay with me tonight?" I managed to whisper, my voice shaky.

He arched an eyebrow, a smile playing on his lips. "Oh, now you want my company? I thought you could handle yourself."

My frustration bubbled up, but I pushed it aside. "I'm not asking for your pity. I just don't want to be alone right now."

His sarcastic chuckle grated on my nerves. "Well okay then, if you insist darling."

I rolled my eyes, but the corners of my lips twitched upward despite myself. "Shut up and get in bed."

As he settled beside me, his arm wrapping around me protectively, I felt a sense of relief wash over me.

I slowly closed my eyes, feeling fear of whatever I was about to see, but I couldn't see anything. Instead, comfortable darkness took over me as I slowly drifted away to sleep.

Slowburn or opposite?

Idk what else to write here so just share your opinions with me. I love every comment with all my heart and I'm so thankful to EVERYONE who's been reading and commenting<33

Take care!!

𝗔𝗹𝗲𝘅𝗶𝘁𝗵𝘆𝗺𝗶𝗮 - TMR AU, Minho.Where stories live. Discover now