Episode 1: One Headache after another.

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James' POV

"Almost done with this painting..." i muttered as i finished putting the touches on my latest painting which was a wildfire. "Alright. Done. Now i better do some "errands" as that idiot friend of Lady Noire says..." i grumbled rather angrily as i got up and left my house and locked the door. Man i'm at the end of my rope of patience! I really just can't stand being a CPU's errand boy! It's so frustrating!!

No one's POV

James angrily grumbled as he went to deliver a package to Neptune the (useless, no good, worthless) Goddess of Planeptune which was...pudding. of all the things...it was pudding. He hated it. He just wished that he never made friends with the CPUs in the first place.

-several hours later-

"Here's your fucking pudding!" James hissed as he stomped away. "Thanks James-where did you go?" wondered Neptune as James already left.

"Honestly, have they no shame?" wondered James unhappily as began to do some martial arts moves.

James took a deep breath and began to relax his muscles. "Haaaaaaahhhh..." he growled as then began to move his hands now balled up into fists as well as his feet.

A display of movement of James' fists and feet began, from punches to jabs, uppercuts, backhanded swipes, claw swipes, palm strikes to even eyepokes. The feet on the other hand were kicks, knee jerks, heel drops, roundhouse kicks, axe kicks, and sweep kicks. "Hahh...hahh...that felt great..." said James feeling some slight fatigue. "Still though...why don't they just do it themselves? i might be their friend but i have a life of my own! argh!" he cursed in anger as he sat down on a rock.

-a few minutes later-

"I guess i'm being called to babysit Rom and Ram. that's a little better compared to the others. even though those two CAN give me a headache." mused James now heading to Lowee to help Blanc with babysitting her younger twin sisters.

-inside the Basillicom-

"Thanks for helping me by babysitting my sisters James. it means a lot to me." said Blanc thankful as James nodded. "It's alright. compared to the others, yours is much more easier to deal with. Sure Rom and Ram give me headaches, but at least it ain't an errand." James said rather nonchalantly. "Lemme guess, pudding delivery again?" asked Blanc teasingly. "You're fucking right on that one...urgh. Neptune should just do it by herself or ask IF or Compa or Nepgear to do it. and then's there's handling some of Vert's games while's she's away. and doing Noire's paperwork...aughhhh" James groaned in anger and dismay. "Hey, at least you help out. Compared to them, at least i know when to not burden you." said Blanc in a comforting manner as James gave a strained smile.

"Now i wonder what kind of surprises those have in store for me eh?" asked James as Blanc stifled a laugh knowing her younger sisters, they were very unpredictable and James would have fun and have a slight headache dealing with their antics. But hey, it was much better compared to the others,

-several minutes later-

"Hurry up James!" Ram shouted as James made a weary sigh. "Yeah, yeah. i'm coming!" he said with a groan. "Sorry if Ram got you into one her shenanigans again..." said Rom apologetic. "Eh no big deal. I'm fine with it. Just as long as she doesn't hit me with ice magic, then i'm good." replied James reassuringly.

Thankfully James was correct but Ram still narrowly hit him with ice magic. "Well at least it didn't me unlike last time..." grumbled the young adult as Ram looked sheepish. "Sorry!" shouted the CPU Candidate as James just waved with a strained smile.

"Heh, you know what? eat this." said James with a huge smirk as he made a snowball and threw it with deadly accuracy at Ram. "HEY!" yelled the CPU Candidate in anger. "Come get me!" James cackled as he had a snowball fight against the twins.

-several hours later-

"Alright, now i wonder what Vert has in store for me? better light up a smoke before that." James mumbled getting his re-fillable lighter with adjustable output to light up a cigarette. Thankfully for James is that the cigarettes are nicotine free and in it's place uses a substitute ingredient which has similar properties to nicotine while mixed with certain types ingredients, amusingly it's effects are the opposite of nicotine which means James and any smoker smoking this type of cigarette is safe from harm. But hoooooly fuck is that thing addictive! and they're called "Safe-garettes."

"Yo, gamer girl. Whaddaya need?" James asked casually while smoking. "Well you see- good grief James smoke outside!" yelled Vert upon seeing James smoke. "Out of the four, you're the only who takes issue with my smoking." deadpanned James amused. "Even if those things are safe for you, i do not like smoking!" Vert retorted as James shrugged and went outside to finish his cigarette. "Women." James mumbled annoyed. "I heard that!" yelled Vert while still inside the Basillicom as James snorted.

-shortly after smoking-

"Like what i said, whaddaya need Gamer Girl?" asked James nonchalantly as Vert gave an offended look. "I need help with my paperwork. I need an assistance since Chika isn't here." Vert explained as James nodded. "I gotcha on that. I learned to do paperwork after all..." James commented while remembering those those times he helped Blanc with her paperwork. "Hmm...i thank you so much for your help James." said Vert grateful as James murmured something inaudible. What he said was: "Though most of the time i hate it when helping you play with your video games i have to help with!"

-several hours later-

"Are you okay James?" Uni asked as James gave her a silent glare but then sighed. "No. I'm tired as always." he replied bluntly and irritably. "Sorry if my big sister and her friends are kinda putting a lot of pressure on you." said Uni sympathetically as James made an offhand wave. "No big deal. i'm fine." said James in a rather uninterested tone.

"Well...okay, just let my big sis know if you need anything..." Uni mused as she left as James just groaned. 'How much more of these pointless things can continue? well...execpt for Blanc because she knows that i don't like getting stressed. Yet...why do i get that's something's amiss? eh. i'd rather lounge all or paint or train all day. *sigh* i feel so tired...' thought a rather weary James.

James trudged alone in Lastation's outskirts and looked at the stars and sighed. "Man...i really hate it when my head hurts...eh, i'll make what i do with it." he sighed as he kept stargazing and wondered what awaited him in this life of his?

"Eh, i'll just wait and see..." said James taking another drag and kept stargazing and thinking of 'what-ifs' "Maybe i'll paint the stars and see how it will go!" added James with a snicker and began to stretch his muscles and started doing some martial arts moves again.

-some hours later-

"It's getting late...i better head home." James mused looking at the watch which showed the time which was 11:00 PM in the evening and headed home by himself. "*sigh* i don't know much of this i can take..." he growled in anger as he kept walking to his home.

Just another day in the life of James Shenzai. A headache filled life that is. And he hates it a lot.

Author's Notes: this is my first Hyperdimension Neptunia fanfic with a male oc, the story will be a bit of a semi slow burn

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Author's Notes: this is my first Hyperdimension Neptunia fanfic with a male oc, the story will be a bit of a semi slow burn. The following chapter will be a bit shorter than this one and as always, be safe and see you all later.

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