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Jaebom took my car from the parking lot, heading to the garage with it. I was still hanging around the parking lot, mostly just talking with Heeseung who was really testing my patience.

He took my palm in his hand suddenly, mid conversation. He opened my hand, placing the jingling keys of a car in my hand.

I looked up at him, wondering what he was insinuating with this.

"Let's go for a spin, come on." Heeseung didn't even give me an option, just head over to his car and sat into the passenger's seat.

I was stunned for a moment, but swallowed the stun away, and walked over to the driver's side of the car.

I had my hand on the handle, and just as I was about to open the door, people began yelling and screaming.

"THE POLICE! RUN!!!" Many voices were heard saying the relatively same thing. I opened the door swiftly, sitting in and turning the car on.

I spared no time at all, swerving out of the parking lot as best as I could without hitting the running people.

I was first out of the parking lot, but unfortunately for me, police were heading inside and as I exit, some of the police cars that didn't enter, instead, trailed me.

I leant my head back, groaning.

"Fuuuck." I sucked my teeth, checking my mirrors repeatedly as I sped off, ferociously.

The blue lights were too obvious, you could not avoid them. Heeseung just sat back, not even panicked in any way at all.

He stared at his phone, giving a small sigh and then placing it on his lap. He glanced over to the mirrors, then at me.

And with a chuckle, he opened his mouth.

"Better get driving, Haewon, wouldn't want to be arrested, would you?" Heeseung's words had this tinge of arrogance towards them, as if he was teasing me on purpose.

"Could you not say my name like that?" I retort through my teeth, concentrating on the mirrors, and losing the police cars behind.

I took sharp corners, god knows where I was heading, I was speeding down narrow roads, taking the most abrupt, smallest corners ever, swerving the car left and right.

"Say your name like what Haewon? It's your name, is it not? Mok Haewon." The tone in Heeseung's voice was indescribable, it was rather condescending but in a cocky way.

"Jesus, maybe I should turn your car to the police instead." I could slow down now, despite the fact I had basically no idea where I was, there were no blue lights or signs of police cars behind me - so it was all good.

Heeseung gave a light, short laugh, looking down before staring back at me again as I focused on the road in front of me.

"Don't you fear illegal street racing?" Heeseung posed a question, and I just glanced over at him - an expression on my face that just simply spoke volumes on how I felt right now.

"What? Because I look so sweet and gentle, I should cry and tremble over the fact that cars go fast?" I scornfully responded, followed with an eye roll at his comment.

"Jesus, you're holding a grudge against me and I've known you for like an hour." Heeseung chuckled, he found this pretty amusing at least.

"You're asking dumb questions. I've probably been racing illegally for longer than you have." I pulled the car to the side, looking at my phone - cause goddamn - I had no idea where we were, and I had a university lecture tomorrow too.

"Alright alright, I don't mean to pick a fight with you. Do you race often then?" Heeseung changed the topic slightly, and I looked over at him.

"Listen pretty boy, it's almost four in the morning, and we both have lectures tomorrow. I have not a fucking clue where we are, so instead of interviewing me, how about you tell me how to get home?" I told him straight, and as I spoke, the smile on his face gradually raised.

What the hell was this guy smiling about now?

"Your wish is my command, let's swap seats. I know where we are. Just tell me where you live and I'll drop you off." Heeseung unclipped his seatbelt, I had no energy to pick a fight with him, so I just obliged, swapping seats with him and sitting down in the passenger's seat with a large huff.

I rubbed my face, out of pure fatigue. 

"So? Address then?" Heeseung began driving around, and I just turned my head to look at him.

"As if I'm giving you my address, just drop me off at the garage Jaebom owns." I crossed my arms, shutting my eyes as I leant my head against the headrest.

"Wow, why is that?" Heeseung emit a fake-offended mumble at my comment.

"Cause I don't need you driving around my place because you've suddenly fallen in love with me." I told him, giving a small yawn.

Heeseung shot his head to look at me, in disbelief, widened eyes and almost on the verge of laughter.

"Fallen in love? With you? You got whiplash from the drifting?" He spoke in fragmented, questions, but they were ones of pure shock and disbelief from my words.

I didn't respond any further, I was just too tired, simply.

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