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After the lecture ended, you bet I dashed my way out of there. I was not about to spare a minute for Heeseung to bother me, but I quickly came to realisation that I actually left my phone in the lecture hall.

So that was very embarrassing, I had to make the walk back into the building that I practically ran out of.

I cannot believe out of everything that I left, it was my most valuable item with me. I head my way back in the direction of the lecture hall, and I was just about to walk inside blindly, up until I realised that Heeseung and his friends were still in there.

Fuck, out of all people? I have to make the embarrassing walk in there with their asses in there?

Even his friends that didn't take this class were in there, just sat on the desks and talking.

I leant behind the wall, just eavesdropping at what they could possibly be talking about.

"Oh? Someone left a phone here." An unfamiliar voice spoke first.

"For real? Who leaves a phone here? Must've been in a rush." Another voice added, and I just pressed my lips together, feeling a little embarrassed now.

"Who sits here Heeseung?" The first voice asked, and the sound of footsteps walking up the place was heard.

"Ah, Mok Haewon, she left her phone here? Wonder why she was so eager to get out of here." Heeseung gave a chuckle, "Pass it here, I'll bring it to her."

"Mok Haewon? The one you're rumoured to be with?" Someone asked, and I just hated every moment of this. So Heeseung knew about these rumours too? Yet he continued to approach me as if they were true.

"That one. Jay, she was literally the one who raced with me, you and Jake." Heeseung chuckled, "She came first."

"Ah shit for real? That was her? Holy shit." Jay seemed rather amazed with me, like, thanks or whatever, "I like her."

"Pretty sure half the car scene does." Jake added, throwing in a small laugh. Okay, I did actually appreciate these compliments for once, least it wasn't Heeseung telling me I'm scary-looking two million times a day.

"How come people are saying you've got a thing with her?" A different voice asked for a change, and I was actually curious to hear his response to this.

"People just pull conclusions out of their ass, I don't know Niki." He didn't give an answer I necessarily expected, but whatever.

"You think you could pull her?" Jay continued with this topic on me, and honestly, I was clearly living in their heads rent free, because how long have they been talking about me for?

"Without a doubt." Heeseung seemed pretty confident about this, and I was honestly, about to burst out into laughter, as if he could. 

"You wanna bet on it?" Jay proposed, and now this got pretty interesting.

"Come on then, what're we betting on?" Heeseung didn't even spare a second to think about this, just immediately agreed. I see, he was a competitive kind of guy.

"If you can get Haewon to fall for you, you can have my car, if you fail, you give me your car." Jay offered, and my lips curved into a smirk, they had no idea, did they?

"Ah, you're too nice Jay. Make sure you bring it to me valeted too." Heeseung clasped his hand with Jay, sealing the bet in.

"You have two months, cause I can tell she's more difficult than the others." Jay just had to add on, what the hell? Weren't you guys just complimenting me a moment ago?

Anyways, instead of eavesdropping some more, I walked off, Heeseung had my phone, and was probably going to bring me it back to my doorstep anyways, so, no point of me walking in there and basically setting myself up in there.

I suppose I was glad that I left my phone in there, because now I know what Heeseung's intentions are from now on - to try and get me to fall for him, all for a silly little car.

Well, I'm sure he'll be upset when, infact, he's the one who has to give his car away, because I'm going to make sure that with my whole heart, I make sure he loses.

I head home, and not even like, half an hour later after reaching home, a knock settled on my door. Who else could it be but the man himself, Heeseung?

I opened the door, and he observed my face, then down to my outfit, his eyes climbed back up to my face and he gave a light smile.

"I didn't order anything." I joked in a cold tone, his lips cracked into a faint laugh as he pulled something out of his pocket.

"Think you did." He held my phone in his hand, and I was about to take it out, but he moved his hand swiftly, high up, so that I couldn't reach it.

Okay, so one thing about me, is that I hate when people do this. I'm not even going to try and get it, it'll just be embarrassing for me.

"You're an asshole." I leant against my door frame, staring at him stoically as he just had the cockiest smirk on his face.

"And you're missing your manners, again." He teased, like he always did. I rolled my eyes, giving a frustrated sigh.

"Please." I pressed my lips together, and held my hand out. This time, he placed it in my hand with an arrogance-tinged smile.

"That's all it took."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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