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currently you and baji were now in your hide out place he just sat beside you while you were preparing the tea after five minutes you came back with the tea and sat beside him down after you pour him the tea

so Baji i might just meet you but i do know some few things about you and your plan and it will bring toman into the dark path by that mikey will be not himself as much as you know him he will be a tool just like you are in his plan right now your planning to help kazutora out by killing yourself so your death wouldn't be his fault you think this is a solution did you not knew that everybody would suffer through it you drank a bit of your tea and stared at him he listened to you and thought about it cause every word out of you were sharp like knife but also the truth but for him it was half the truth cause he wouldn't wanna believe this

who are you again
you deadpanned at him out of everything i said this is your first question well for your information its not a need to know but i am y/n anyway did you understood that your actions might cause more danger even you intend to plan ?

baji just stared at his hand and thought about to deeply well

but what can i do except ? Anything else beside that i wanna help kazutora but its impossible if he just turned his whole anger towards mikey they are my friends what am i supossed to beside that

Mmm well sooner or later you might find out well i have to go and talk to somebody else time is running you sprinted out of the hide out and left him there with the tea he keep on thinking how to get
Through this

but he ends up on a question mark

She saw Hina with Emma there you rushed towards them Hina-chan HOW ARE YA you yelled excitedly hina just chuckled about the differences between you and her boyfriend wondering how this are related

time skip (cuz am lazy )

at hina's house with Emma ✨sleep over party ✨

Hina helped to do Emmas hair into a braid and you try to braid the second part it supposed to be two braids you were struggling a bit but did it anyway once everyone of you had braided the hair you brang up a cd a movie about Madagascar and literally toke your laptop out from your bag placed on the table In front of you Hina walked into the kitchen to grab some snacks and ya all watched the movie together and laughed once the movie endet you saw Hina who falt a sleep and gave Emma a sign to be quite she did not understand why but when you pulled out your camera she posed and so did you and toke a picture like its some selfie on a normal based of phone you two were about to burst into laughter cause the pictures were hilarious Emma got a lil bit tired but you motioned her to follow you a bit before falling back to sleep

y/n is something ? did i do something wrong oh my god i am so sorry she was about to apologise but I stop her Emma you did absolutely nothing wrong i just need to talk to you and also kinda wanted to say good bye before i continue on traveling you know back to my home you smiled sadly and she also kinda felt sadness for first time in life she had a friend group but one of her friends might go not forever but a while y/n pat it the side beside her of the couch both of them sat there and y/n started to rip of the pavement

Emma you gotta confess your crush you know life is short and might not know whats next that might happen you felt about to cry but you held your tears back so what i am saying is don't go out in the night of winter its to dangerous for you people these times are insane sometimes and i won't be here to be able to protect anybody and just confess to draken its obviously not one sided he does loves your back he just don't know what to say your suddenly feeling yourself shaky and your visons is gettin blurry Emma i think i am goin now to sleep we will see again each other tomorrow maybe Time is ticking thats what y/n heard the wolf reminding her to hurry she fall a sleep

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