Chapter 1

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Back at the Baxter building Reed looked around as he found himself stretching as he got out of his bed he went into battle position Reed then ran through the door stretched himself wide through the doors the alarm system went off

Alarm: Unknown dna detected security bots activated!

The security bots went inside the chamber and then they were activated then the bot got into battle position then more security bots flew in then Reed ran to the computer system then pressed a button.

Reed: Done.

Meanwhile in the loft of the ski lodge the sexy nurse was checking out Johnny's temperature he turned himself on fire and the nurse scream as Johnny moved his arms telling her to stop.

Johnny: Wait. I'm okay! Weirdly...I'm okay...

The security bot closed in on Johnny then the doctor ran into one of the security bots then he fell screaming

Doctor: Reed's new robots!

Then in sues bedroom Tyler was sleeping besides Sue as they shared a romantic kiss, then they were interrupted by a sound as Sue woke up got out of bed as she turned invisible then Tyler followed her she got into battle position the door opens with security robots

Sue: Security bots. I should probably avoid being seen...

Tyler: really couldn't fool me, Guyver!

With command the unit activated the armor as the unit attaches itself to his body transforming him into the Guyver.

Guyver used his martial art kicks and fin blades to slice the security robots

Reed ran in the lab to check on Sue and Tyler as the Guyver but then Tyler removed the alien armor as he changed back into himself

Reed: Sue, Tyler I've been trying to find you for you all right?

Tyler: We're fine.

Sue: Except that i'm turning invisible what happened to me?

Tyler: I don't know except for one thing I got this cool new alien armor, I look spiffy in it.

Sue: Of course you do Tyler.

Reed: The Cosmic storm must have changed our DNA somehow. Now victor's Dna system doesn't recognize us.

Sue: Are you turning invisible too?

Reed: Not exactly you'll see

Tyler clenched his fist into a palm

Tyler: I didn't need anyone to tell me that, but I can tell that this is all victor's fault!

Tyler runs off angirly to find Victor 

Sue: Tyler wait!

Reed: Tyler are going to help us see Victor or not are you listening?

Tyler: Yeah, now you listen Reed i'm going after victor regardless of anyone else, cause that creep needs to learn never ever mess with me!

Sue: But Tyler-

Tyler: No buts about it, when I get through with him he'll wish he never messed with me!

Tyler ran off in a huff with incredible speed to Victor's Castle

Sue tries to stop him but Reed blocks her by stretching his arms 

Reed: Let him go, This is something he needs to do on his own.

Fantastic Four The Guyver (Guyver Dark Hero x Fantastic Four)Where stories live. Discover now