Chapter 4

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The Trial takes place in a courtroom where Proceductioner Skull was standing with his clipboard

Procedutioner Skull: All rise!

The people of the courtroom rose up from there seats as judge Trudy walked in As she got to her stand in the courtroom chair she pounded her hammer on the gavel

Judge Trudy: Call the case Sloan

Sloan looked at his clipboard

Prosecutioner Skull: The state vs Victor Von Doom.

Prosecutioner Skull: Step Forward.

The two police cops walked in the courtroom with Victor von doom as he was grunting in cuffs trying to break free but couldn't as they brought him down to the chair strapping him in

Judge Trudy: Hear ye, hear ye, the court of the NYC is now in session.

Judge Trudy: Order in the court, the trial will now begin!

Judge Trudy: Harvey swear him in

Ace attorney walks in holding a list before him

Ace Attorney Harvey: We want the truth and nothing but the truth.

Ace Attorney Harvey: Says Harvey

Meanwhile at the baxter building Johnny made the popcorn as he sat down watching tv as he saw Victor von doom on trial on tv

Johnny: Hey Ben you gotta see this.

Ben walked in with Johnny as he sat beside him

Ben: This'll be good I can't wait to see that metal head gets what he deserves

Tyler: Yeah, that Tin freak is going bye bye big time 

Ben:  I think we all agree on that kid.

The three laughed as they watched the tv

Prosecutioner Skull: We plan to prove your honor that rich man Victor von doom is really a criminal the enemy of us all

Victor Von Doom: What?!

Victor sighed in defeat

Ace Attorney Harvey: Victor Von Doom you are charged with the following crimes,

Harvey opened his list and looked at the dozens of crimes Victor committed

Ace Attorney Harvey: Using fangbots to retrieve the Guyver unit 4, but failed on three seperate occasions kidnapping mr fantastic, abducting Tyler and his family to built a superior being

Victor Von Doom: Yes that was me.

Skull: Not a peep out of you! Mr

Victor Von doom: okay okay

Victor shrugged as he was quiet

Judge Trudy: And having your own building EXPLODED?!

Ace attorney Harvey stated at Victor Von doom with a devilish glare

Judge Trudy: We'll how do you plead?

Victor Von Doom: Reed and I helped created it he was to blame! So is Jonathan! So I am innocent!

Judge Trudy: Likely story, has anyone have evidence on the suspect

Dioterny Bulk: We have your honor we find the defendant guilty as charged!

Judge Trudy: How does the jury find the defendant?

People of Jury: Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!


Judge Trudy: SILENCE! The Jury has spoken, Having considered all the evidence Victor von doom I find you guilty!

Victor Von Doom: YOU CANT DO THIS TO ME!

Judge Trudy: I the honorable judge Trudy do hereby sentence to you 100 days in prison in the electric chair for life!

Victor Von Doom: The electric chair, no not that anything but that.

Judge Trudy: Case closed, take 'em away.

Victor Von Doom sighed in defeat as he was sentenced to prison in the electric chair for life the cops took Victor back to prison there they threw Victor in a prison cell Victor was enraged as he ran to get out but the cell bars closed on Victor's cell

Victor Von Doom: Curse you Guyver 4! You Son of a BITCH! You've Interfeared for the last time! You won't be so lucky next time, Lord Zedd will never let you rest you won't get away with this!

Victor Von doom screamed in rage and fury as he vowed vengance on Guyver 4 vowing to get even with the teen alien superhero the scream can be echoed around the cell block

Meanwhile Sue and Tyler relax in the bedroom knowing that Victor is in jail

Sue: Finally Victor is gone, now that you defeated him and his building is blown up and your parents and your sister are safe

Tyler: Yeah, that creep got what he deserved let's face it nobody messes with the alien power ranger of the fantastic four.

Reed was outside hearing the news that Victor was in jail

Reed: It's a shame that Victor is in jail, but we owe Tyler a great deal

Reed stretches himself back to his lab as he relaxes in his quarters he looks on his screen as a news report comes in with Jonathan and Evelyn holographically

Alison Tamita: I'm Alison tamita with the breaking story of the Victor Von doom corporation blown up to smitherines as new alien hero the police have dubbed Guyver 4, I'm here with Tyler's parents Jonathan and Evelyn Klause tell me Jonathan was your son in the building?

Jonathan: yes I seen my son fighting Victor Von doom my former friend and classmate as my son defeated him as Guyver 4

Evelyn: Yes it was a fierce battle but our son gained the upper hand in defeating that fiend.

Betty: My bro showed that tin creep that crime dosen't pay and serves him up good like a beef on a week old Tuna sandwich, just goes to show that nobody messes with my bro the alien power ranger and that's that

Alison Tamita: I see And there you have it from here in nyc news I'm Alison Tamita back to you Charlie.

Charlie: Thank you Alison next week on nyc news The Guyver Unit Mystery stay tuned for more details.

Reed spoke to himself thinking of his old friend jonathan 

Reed: Jonathan your son did a great thing we owe your son a great deal, he is so lucky to have you as a father

Reed smiled with delight as Sue and Tyler are getting acquainted in bed 

Tyler: Then I defeated Victor Von Doom and his zoanoids with all my fighting skills then I taken out victor von Doom using my mega smasher as the building blew up and then he was arrested 

Sue giggled 

Sue: Yeah and I used my force field powers to knock the unit off of victor's head then you used your finblades to slice the helmet off of him then his head was bleeding, then he was taken to jail by the police.

The two laughed

Sue: Then after your dad showed your collection of all the zoanoids you defeated, he asked me to stay with you tonight, actually he insisted

Tyler: That's my dad good thing johnny got him out of there when he did, now back to you and me.

The Two cuddled closer in bed as Sue pointed a seductive finger at tyler 

Sue: Come here you alien power ranger

Tyler kissed sue passionately as tyler grabbed sue's arms moving them up and down

Sue: Oh Tyler.....

Sue giggled as Tyler played with her arms

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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Fantastic Four The Guyver (Guyver Dark Hero x Fantastic Four)Where stories live. Discover now