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'Mak-Gang on Top'
Lisa, Jungkook, Tzuyu, and (26) others

Yuna: idk..... it feels like someone's gonna get hurt real quick....

Wonyoung: yeah I'm with Yuna on this one

Wonyoung: I can't even deal with the things on our own variety show

Shuhua: look, I'm not saying we have to do it on our own. we can go as a group!

Shuhua: besides, we haven't done anything together since the collab stage

Wonyoung: twice for Yuna and I 😊

Yuna: you should've accepted the offer for the Way To Go stage!

Shuhua: look...... the one with us and Arin, I can tolerate the cuteness shit from it

Shuhua: I sure was hell wouldn't do it again. you two at least can handle it more than I can

Wonyoung: speaking of which, how come we don't have Arin here? I think she should be in this conversation

Yuna: I don't have her number unfortunately

Shuhua: yeah me neither

Gahyeon: I have it. I can invite her on if you want

Wonyoung: yes please

Yuna: do it!

Gahyeon added Arin to the group

Arin: hi everyone!

Arin: also, about time you guys have me here! I was getting so jealous whenever Soobin tells me about this chat

Gahyeon: eehhh we're all not really good at remembering things lol

Yuna: welcome Arin! Maknae stage reunion is now complete!

Arin: hooray! does this mean we're all drinking tonight?

Yuna: I'm out of the city atm

Shuhua: same

Wonyoung: I'm pretty packed with schedules rn sadly

Arin: oh pooo

Gahyeon: why not just video chat? I'm sure the four of you can find a good time to come online at once.

Yuna: that's actually not a bad idea!

Wonyoung: I think I'll be able to fit a good time slot in between schedules

Shuhua: I'll make time to do it!

Arin: reunion drinking party, let's go!

Arin: anyways, what have you all been talking about before I showed up?

Yuna: possibly a Haunted house day with all 4 of us.

Arin: .......but none of us here can handle scary stuff...

Shuhua: that's why I suggested we go as a group. because Im more brave than y'all and will protect you

Gahyeon: didn't you get startled by a small bug on Workdol?

Shuhua: 1. shut up. and 2. that wasn't a bug. that was a monster

Wonyoung: I'll take a Monster bug over ghosts any day

Arin: I mean, if we all go as a group into a haunted house, we have the numbers advantage

Shuhua: do you rlly think us scaredy cats would fare well together in a Haunted house?

Arin: Nope! but if we're gonna be scared, then let's be scared together

Yuna: yeeahhh! I like that more than being by myself!

Wonyoung: I'm not taking any blame if any of us gets hurt

Shuhua: I'm not either

Yuna: I can do getting scared together but taking the blame? nnaahhh

Arin: how about we blame someone else??

Gahyeon: like who?

Shuhua: ....Jungkook?

Yuna: Jungkook

Wonyoung: definitely Jungkook

Arin: wait why subaenim?

Yuna: because its the rule here...... that he doesn't know of

Shuhua: he's the founder of this group chat too. therefore he know's better than us.

Shuhua: and he approved us being here so it's rlly his fault for any troubles we get into

Wonyoung: hhmmmm well as long as we don't get into trouble I guess

Arin: sounds good to me!

Shuhua: time to start planning

Shuhua logged off

Yuna: right behind ya

Yuna logged off

Wonyoung: see you all later!

Wonyoung logged off

Arin: if I haven't said it already, thanks for having me here!

Gahyeon: it's no biggie, Rinnie 😊 I'm just glad you're here now. can't wait until you meet everyone else

Gahyeon: well whoever you haven't really met yet lol

Arin: Im looking forward to it!

Arin: also you're welcome to join us if you like

Gahyeon: I'll sit this one out, thanks.

Arin: suit yourself. byeee

Gahyeon: have fun!

Arin logged off

Gahyeon: you know, you could just tell them to ease up a bit on the blaming. not like they would get upset by it

Jungkook: I could..... but I won't spoil their fun. what kind of subaenim would I be?

Jungkook: besides, I'm already used to it by Lisa, Yeri, and Tzuyu.

Gahyeon: I guess you make a good point lol

Gahyeon: I hope things are well for you, JK

Jungkook: it has been, thanks for asking

Gahyeon: and even though they haven't said it or admit it for some people, everyone here misses you

Jungkook: Well I miss them too

Jungkook: don't tell ANYBODY here I said that

Gahyeon: my lips are sealed haha

'Maknae's on Top' Group Chat: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now