- R.P.D party -

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Summary : A party is hosted at the R.P.D in honor of it's anniversary and Chris & Jill hang out whilst it happens!

Status of their relationship in this one shot : Friends with clear feelings!

Warnings: Talks of SA + Smoking marijuana.

A/n: Hi! Just wanna say feel free to check out my profile for other RE stories, I have a Cleon one shot collection & a RE character x reader smut collection! I also just started a Joel Miller x Reader story! Also check out my Ao3 & Tumblr which both have the same user as my Wattpad! Enjoy!

Pulling into the R.P.D parking lot, Chris released a hefty sigh as he just sat there in the driver's side seat. Stifled music playing off of the radio, more specifically a Queen song. The drive wasn't too bad but Chris was just tired from the past work week. Driving from home, to work then from work then back wasn't easy. It was quite an annoyance but his presence was required at this event.

The R.P.D is celebrating it's 27 year anniversary of being an official Police Department. More certainly, the Raccoon City Police Department. Chris has worked here since the mid '90's, it's odd trying to comprehend the fact it was once an art museum. He was apart of the elite S.T.A.R.S team, alongside some others such as Barry Burton, Brad Vickers & Jill Valentine. They also had their captain, Albert Wesker.

About the only thing that was going to keep him sane tonight was drinking and smoking, probably seeing Jill too. Chris & Jill have been close friends for awhile now. She became a member of the Alpha Squad only a few months ago but they've truly become inseparable. Chris even trains her in marksmenship and she'll train him in B&E. They're quite the duo, at least that's what Barry tells people. Chris already presumes they'll stick together throughout the event.

Grasping onto the handle, Chris opened the driver's side door to his truck as he hopped out of it, shutting the door carefully and huffing out with tranquil. Just from outside, Chris could hear the sound of blues music with a tint of classic in it. It was going to be one helluva night, that's for damn sure. He wouldn't be surprised if people end up being kicked out for being to blacked out.

Not only is it members & workers of the R.P.D but also local civilians who were granted an invite. Mostly just people who donate to the department or have family members who work for it. Either way, Chris has already predicted it's going to be busy as all hell. He'll just find his people & act as natural as he can. He isn't for public events such as this, he'd rather be at home right now, watching TV or working out.

Different people, some he knew of and some he didn't, were making their way into the establishment. The Police Department's doors were wide open for entry, welcoming each guest with guidance. Chris kept it casual, wearing his brown leather jacket with the words 'Made in Heaven' patched into the back of it. His pants were black jeans & his shoes were brown boots, basically the same shade as his jacket. Wesker had told him to dress nice & simple, this was Chris's idea of that.

Ambling into the building, Chris was wowed with how it looked. It doesn't normally look all fancy & elegant. Streamers were hung up, tables were all over, buffets were in place and oddest of all, hundreds of people were littered on the inside. It was extensive enough for that so he guesses it's not all that surprising. Sticking near the reception area, Chris scanned the main hall and didn't see anyone he knew personally. Of course he seen a few workers he knows of but it's not like they're buddy buddy or anything.

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