exploring the world

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Me my sisters, and my brothers
Stepped out of the den in the morning,
One thought in mind


I sniffed the air, taking in the scents,

Of course I could smell mother and father whom had not awoken yet, and I could smell the 3 older members of the pack as well as my siblings!

My sister bounced ahead happily,

Just then the brown wolf named,
chestnut spoke

Do the alpha's know your out here?

One of My brothers spoke back In a challenging tone

Of course!! Mama said so!

I scoffed to myself that was a clear lie, mom isn't even awake yet!

My sister spotted a sparrow in the tree in the middle of our home

Her tail swaying

My other brother was quick to join his tail swishing the leaves around his tail

I sighed.. I turned away to do my own thing,

I saw my brother, the gray one walking somewhere in the distance

I chuckled going into a pouncing position sneaking up behind him

I believe he had heard he unfortunately as he ducked right as I pounced instead tumbling straight into a bush

I took a moment to compose myself after the fail I stumbled out panting slightly

I sat down neatly folding my tail over my paws despite having been tangled into a bush a moment before

You okay?
He looked at me confused

I gave a sheepish nod before sitting next to him

He smiled before standing up and continuing to walk, I followed

I looked back at the clearing,
We shouldn't be this far out! Mama said it's dangerous!

He turned to me his grin wide
What's the worst that can happen?

He turned and continued to walk even farther his tail high in confidence

I gave a worried sigh before chasing after him

Wait up!!

He continued to explore! His confidence going higher!

I was extremely anxious in this unfamiliar place.

He spotted what he was looking for not too far, it was a Berry bush! It bore dark red berries!

My eyes widened in awe!
Woah! What's that! My expression gave

He stepped forward taking the delicate berries,

Oh brother.. I was slightly anxious now

Be careful with those things!

He chuckled,
nah I'm already careful

He snapped half the stick the berries were on tossing the broken piece aside as he approached me and carefully slid the stick between the fur of my ear,

I breathed a sigh of relief

Come on let's go home!
I nodded and followed behind

He turned to walk towards home, the sun was higher up now, surely the adults are up, guess we are bound for an earfull when we get home..

He smiled
Soo.. How do you like the gift?

I smiled feeling a little soothed
It's nice! Thank you!

He suddenly stopped In place sniffing the air his expression wary now

I looked ahead in worry
-uhh.. Are you okay?

He turned to me

We have to get home now!

I squealed as he ran behind me and started pushing me forward with his paw, this doesn't bode well

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