//5// Slice of Heaven

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"What time is it?" Alyna asks, softly, her head pressed to my chest

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"What time is it?" Alyna asks, softly, her head pressed to my chest.

I check my watch. We've been talking for hours. This is probably the most I've ever spoken in my life. "Four-fifteen,"

"In the morning?"

I snort, "No, sweetheart, it's clearly the afternoon."

"Alright, smartass," she huffs and sits up, her hair falling across her shoulder. Her hair is so long and soft. It falls like a silky curtain down her back.

She nudges me, "You've been yawning for the past hour. Let's get you home, old man."

I sit up as well and scowl at her. "Old man? I'm only thirty."


She cracks up laughing at my blank stare and I shake my head. "You're a comedian."

"I know," she beams at me, nudging my shoulder with her own. "You're really thirty?"

"Yeah. How old did you think I was?"

She shrugs. "I don't think I thought about it at all." Her mouth pulls to the side, something I've realized she does when she's thinking.

I wait, because I know the question is coming. After a few moments, she asks, "How long have you been out of prison?"

"Six years." It feels like it's been longer than that some days and others it feels like I got out yesterday.

Her eyebrows furrow. "You didn't serve ten years?"

I shake my head. "Eight. I was twenty-four when I got out."

"Oh." I raise my eyebrow. "Someone told me it was ten. Doesn't matter —" she hits my arm. "Hey. Speaking of someone. Did you sleep with Nadia?"

It takes my mind a moment to catch up with that complete one-eighty.


"Did you sleep with Nadia Davenport?"

I frown. "God, no. Why?" Not only have I known her since she was three, but she's just really fucking annoying.

I'd rather drive a screwdriver through my eye.

Alyna squints at me.

"How did we get from my time in prison to this?" I ask, confused on how they correlate.

"Nadia told me you went to prison. She also said that she slept with you." She taps both pointer fingers together. "See the dots? Connected."

"Nadia's a liar. I'd rather eat shit. She's telling people she slept with me?" I might just have to knock on her door and ask her what her fucking problem is.

"Yes. I just wanted to know if you were good in bed, but I guess she can't tell me."

I bite back a laugh. This woman is something else. "You don't want to find out for yourself?"

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