//6// Needy

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I woke up late Monday morning

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I woke up late Monday morning. It's almost noon by the time I drag myself out of bed. I don't plan on doing much today.

I have to stay home because a technician from the cable company is coming to set up my WI-FI. Even if that wasn't scheduled, I wasn't planning on doing anything today. At most, I would walk around town and do a little shopping.

Gabriel dropped me off at home around three in the afternoon yesterday. He kissed my forehead, told me he'd see me Friday, and then I presume he went home and passed out.

I do feel slightly bad for keeping him awake all that time, but he said he didn't mind. He never complained about being tired, so I guess he didn't mind.

I think our first date went great, even if I did come on too strong. He wants to slow down and get to know each other before we jump into bed and I can respect that. I'm happy to go slow.

I didn't agree to go out with him just because I thought I would get sex out of it. I'm not desperate for sex, no matter what my body is trying to tell me.

I know what I want. I want to feel like I'm not going to jump out of my skin every time I hear a noise. I want to feel settled. I want to feel safe. I want to not think about my ex ever again.

It begins to dawn on me that I hadn't thought about Vic at all when I was with Gabriel. I wasn't looking over my shoulder. I wasn't jumping when my phone rang. I was relaxed the entire time.

I felt safe enough to let my guard completely down. I wasn't worried about shit when I was with him.

What is it about him that makes my brain shut off? Why is it that my subconscious automatically feels safe with him?

My brain begins to short-circuit because these thoughts are too much for just waking up. I push it to the back of my mind and settle on searching online for a bed set.

The technician drops by to set up my internet about an hour after I get up. The whole thing is quick and painless and he's out of my house fifteen minutes later.

My phone vibrates in my hand and I squint at it, looking at the contact name.

I answer way too quickly, but being eager to speak to someone is something I haven't experienced in a long time, and fuck it, I can be excited about things.

"Hi, Gabriel,"

His background is loud, but I assume it's always loud when you work in an auto shop. "Hey, 'Lyna. You busy?"

The question makes me laugh because there's no way I could possibly be busy. I'm not running a business full-time.

"No. It sounds like you are, though."

"Nah," something metal clatters and he swears under his breath.

"I thought you hated talking on the phone?" He told me as much yesterday. He mentioned he preferred texting.

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