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"What happened to you?"

Zeus returned to the mountain top where the dragons resided. Here they took on their human form which made it easier for them to traverse the land. They had built quite the civilisation up there. During the winter months they would take on their dragon form for warmth but as it was the beginning of summer the human form was much more comfortable. They were a relatively large group, just over three hundred of them. Like the humans, children went to school and adults laboured all in effort to maintain their society.

"It's nothing. Just had a little run in nothing serious." Zeus answered Lukas. Zeus was the best fighter among the dragons. He was also the best flier. All in all he was the most powerful and elite dragon. So for him to return with battle scars was quite uncommon.

"Well I would hate to see other man." Zeus just nodded and continued on. He would never admit it was a woman, a human one, was able to catch him off guard. He was aware of The General's children, Evan and Jade. Evan was the soldier but he never knew how skilled the daughter was. He wouldn't underestimate her next time.

"I'm going to The Elders." Lukas followed Zeus to the area where the Elders resided.

The Elders was the ones who set the rules for the dragons. They organised the battle against the humans and mainly approved on any plans made. Zeus, Lukas and Leon's mission was approved by the council. Their mission was to find out what the humans had been working on. Lukas and Leon was the distraction to draw majority of the soldiers to the far east while Zeus broke in to The General's quarters where all plans were made among the higher ranking soldiers.

"Zeus! Welcome back my son." Zeus' father greeted him. Titus and Zeus were uncandidly similar in their physical structure. There was no doubt they were father and son. Zeus took after his father as the most elite dragon in the land.

"I found something you and The Elders need to see."


"I'm fine mom." Jade was trying to console her mother.

After the man... well dragon left the guards found her near the door of The General's study. Jade had dragged herself and the chair across the room trying to reach the sword to cut herself free.  She was there for about thirty minutes before the first guard found her.

Jade was quite shaken. She had never interacted with a dragon before further less one in its human form. Hell she wasn't even sure about that anymore. It was never spoken to her that dragons could shape-shift. 

"You're not okay. Look at your wrists. Your father is in for it when he returns. How dare he leave us with little security at times like this." Lyla was fuming. She held Jade's wrist in the sink as the water soothe the cuts around them. To be honest. The man did not tie her hands tight enough to cause this damage. The cuts were a result of Jade's futile attempts to get free. Every time she tried to reach for the sword the rope would rub against her soft skin consequently leading to the friction which cut her.

Once Lyla was satisfied the cuts were cleaned she turned off the water and placed bandages on both of Jade's wrists. It was excessive but Jade let her be.

Later Jade searched for one of the guards.

"John what happened tonight?" John was by the back door on the lookout. He couldn't understand how the intruder got past him so quickly and why he passed out.

"I'm not sure Miss Daniels. All the guards and myself have a similar account for the situation. One minute he was in front of us. The next minute all of us were waking up from somewhere we don't remember being. I'm very sorry for what happened to you. I accept every punishment The General deems fit." John was a good man and an excellent guard. He has served as the Chief Security Guard for many years over The General's residence. Never once has something got past him like this.

"I don't blame you John. Something was different about that man." Jade looked at the man understandably with sympathy.

"The other guards mentioned something. Something I'm unsure if I should report it to your father." Jade looked at him with wide eyes. "They said the man was fast. Unnaturally fast. It sounds foolish. I shouldn't even have said anything. Have a good night Jade."

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