Love Under New Management

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Love Under New Management

Crystal's heart raced as she sat in the interview chair, the bright lights and cameras trained on her.

She had been so focused on her work for WWE's Smackdown brand, pouring her heart and soul into every match and segment.

But there was one part of her life she had been carefully guarding - her budding romance with Tevita, better known to the WWE Universe as Tonga Loa.

They had met a few months ago through a mutual friend and instantly felt a connection.

Tevita's rugged good looks and kind, gentle nature had captivated Crystal, and she found herself falling for him more and more with each passing day.

But the relationship was still new, and Crystal had been hesitant to share it publicly, worried about the scrutiny and attention that came with dating a WWE Superstar.

However, when the interviewer asked about her personal life, the words just seemed to spill out before Crystal could stop them.

"I've been seeing someone...his name is Tevita, and he's...he's amazing," she admitted, a bashful smile spreading across her face as a faint blush crept up her cheeks.

In that moment, the usually poised and confident Crystal was utterly smitten, her guard completely lowered as she gushed about her new flame.

Little did she know, Tevita had been watching the interview from his hotel room, a look of surprise and delight washing over his features.

He had been planning to surprise Crystal with a date after the Smackdown taping that very night, but her unexpected reveal had changed his plans.

Jumping up from the bed, Tevita hurriedly got dressed and made his way to the arena, a bouquet of Crystal's favorite red roses in hand.

His heart pounded with a mix of nerves and excitement as he navigated the backstage area, searching for any sign of his beloved.

When he finally caught sight of her, Crystal was in the middle of a conversation with her friend and fellow Superstar, Trinity.

The two women were giggling and whispering, no doubt discussing the juicy details of Crystal's newfound romance.

Tevita took a deep breath, steeling his nerves, and approached the pair, clearing his throat to announce his presence.

"Hey, Crystal," he said, a warm smile spreading across his face as she turned to face him, her eyes widening in surprise and delight.

"Tevita? What are you doing here?" Crystal exclaimed, her voice laced with a mixture of shock and joy.

Before she could say another word, Tevita presented her with the bouquet of roses, the vibrant red petals a stark contrast against his dark skin. "I...I saw your interview, and I just had to come see you," he admitted, his voice soft and sincere. "I wanted to surprise you, to let you know how much you mean to me."

Trinity watched the exchange with a gleam of mischief in her eyes, a teasing grin spreading across her face.

"Well, well, well, looks like someone's got a B O Y F R I E N D," she chuckled, nudging Crystal playfully in the ribs.

Crystal shot her a playful glare, but her attention was quickly drawn back to Tevita, who was gazing at her with such adoration that it made her heart flutter.

"Tevita, I...I don't know what to say," Crystal stammered, her fingers gently tracing the soft petals of the roses. "This is unexpected, but I'm so glad you're here." She stepped forward, closing the distance between them, and wrapped her arms around him in a warm embrace.

Tevita returned the hug, his strong arms enveloping her, and in that moment, it felt as if the rest of the world had faded away, leaving just the two of them.

Trinity watched the scene with a fond smile, her heart swelling with happiness for her friend.

She had always known that Crystal and Tevita would make a perfect match, and seeing the way they looked at each other, the way they seemed to fit together like two puzzle pieces, only confirmed her suspicions.

She cleared her throat, breaking the spell, and gave the couple a playful wink. "Well, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. I've got some work to do, but don't worry, your secret's safe with me," she said with a chuckle, before sauntering off, leaving Crystal and Tevita to bask in their newfound connection.

As Trinity disappeared, Crystal turned her attention back to Tevita, her eyes shining with a mixture of joy and wonder.

"I can't believe you saw that," she breathed, her fingers gently tracing the contours of his face. "I've been wanting to tell you how I feel, but I was so scared, and then...and then I just blurted it out in that interview, and I-"

Tevita cut her off with a gentle press of his lips against hers, his kiss soft and tender, conveying all the words he couldn't seem to find.

When they finally parted, he gazed down at her, his dark eyes sparkling with love and adoration.

"Crystal, you are the most amazing woman I've ever met," he murmured, his fingers lightly caressing her cheek. "I've been falling for you more and more every day, and seeing you in that interview, hearing you talk about me with such...such affection, it made me realize how much you mean to me."

Crystal felt a surge of emotion welling up inside her, a mix of happiness, relief, and a touch of disbelief.

"Tevita, I...I love you," she whispered, the words tumbling from her lips before she could even think to stop them.

She watched as a broad smile spread across his face, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and at that moment, she knew that she had found something truly special, a connection that transcended the chaos and demands of their high-profile careers.

As the two lovers embraced, lost in their own little world, Trinity couldn't help but smile to herself, her heart swelling with joy for her friend.

She knew that the road ahead might not be an easy one, with the scrutiny and pressure that came with being in the public eye.

But in that moment, none of that mattered. All that mattered was the pure, unadulterated love that shone in Crystal and Tevita's eyes, a love that had the power to weather any storm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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