Seeing you has memories part 1

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When the crowd at the event started getting louder than they already were, you looked up from your quiet corner and saw him. A man you had not seen for a few years now. "God no, why him of all people," you whispered to yourself as you got up and leaned on the windowpane of the enclosed event. It was a gathering of old friends and a celebration of the heroes after a big mission. Mirko invited you. One of your good friends who stayed by you even after everything, after you moved back to your hometown, after the argument years ago that caused the falling out of your friendship with Hawks. She was your homegirl; she would text you messages of her daily events and even told you very minute updates about him. Even though you would tell her that she did not have to tell you anything about hawks. Though it was nice to know that even after the falling out of the friendship and the moving back to your hometown he would also do the same as asking Mirko if she had heard from you that day. She would even sit in long calls with you when your memories and the wounds in your heart would cause you to feel down.

You cursed under your breath as you kept your eyes looking out at the outdoor balcony. The event was going to be long, but now it felt like it was going to be longer now that he had arrived. You saw him in his best outfit and neatly tended to crimson wings. The sight of hawks brought a surge of mixed emotions within you – anger, hurting heartache and the hint of longing for the lost friendship that once was there. You gazed over at him occasionally while he converted in the crowd. Even Mirko spotted you looking at him and only nodding to herself to keep him away from you as much as possible. The last time you gazed over at him memories flooded back, memories tainted with unresolved conflicts and a shattered bond that seemed too far to rekindle.

You looked up at the bright nightly moon through the window you were leaning on, only for your mind to slip you back to old memories and happier times where you and Hawks were inseparable. Times where you two would mock fangirls, nights spent bringing your favorite shows and movies. When you two would get into small petty arguments over insignificant things that would make you two laughs. There were even times when he would pick you up from your roof top building and fly you to his favorite stops to watch the sunset or take you to the highest point of the city just for a breathtaking view of his city town. Memories that simply brought a bittersweet in your heart, things that were lost due to time apart.

Amidst the memories you recalled the times when you and Hawks were so inseparable that you two worked together most if not all the time. You two would team together on huge missions when you were in the hero limelight. Your partnership was seamless, a bond forged through shared experiences and mutual respect. Whether it was facing complicated missions or saving civilians, you and Hawks complemented each other. You two even created the foundations of duo internship that was admired by many and thanked by small heroes that could finally work in the same areas.

The memories made you sigh aloud to yourself as you looked for hawks one last time before the memories sucked you back into the calm before the storm. All these memories were tainted by your blind sweet demeanor. If you did not accept that invitation from that fan things would not have gone sour. Things would have been safer if you had just told Hawks or Mirko. But you did not, you did not want them to follow or more the less have the accidental paparazzies alerted. The last thing you needed was unwanted photos floating around training your reputation. When you agreed to the movies you did not know it would be a terrible idea.

As you sat with them in the dark theater, enjoying the film, little did you know it was all a planned attack arranged by the fan. You did your best to fight off the attackers and even got the fan arrested for endangering the people in there. You were gravely injured and even developed a slight fear for dark theaters because of it. But you also did not see what could come from it after hawks found out that you selflessly took the invite without saying a word to anyone. His worry turned into anger. The danger you put yourself into fueled the intense argument between You two, exchanged hurtful words and even got so close as a full-on outbreak of a fight if Mirko did intervene to prevent further escalation of the confrontation. But the damage was already done by then. The fallout from the fight led to the rift between you and hawks, it drove you out of the hero limelight and even took it as far as to you going back home outside of his hometown.

You were so lost in thoughts, when a gentle tap in your head snapped you back to the present moment. Startled, you turn to see Hawks standing in front of you, standing with his hand on the back of his neck. "Hey kid," he said in a gentle yet awkward time, his words hanging in the air between you.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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