As I was standing in front of the Primary School for my sister Hannah, I started to chat with Ryan. Ryan is Hannah’s best friend’s older brother. A bit hard to say, but after a while you get used to it. Ryan and I have been friends since we were about 10, only two years older than Hannah.

“So, how’s life treating ya in the real world?” he asked me as I glanced at my watch.

“It’s alright. Not much different than I expected…” I trailed off. Ryan’s a great guy, but he’s a bit of a nerd, and when it comes to having a conversation, he is totally awkward.

When the bell finally rings, and all the kids pile out the door, I waved to Ryan and found Hannah.

“Hey, kiddo how was school?”

“It was good.” I figured I shouldn’t push any further. It’s been hard for her to talk since mum and dad divorced a little over two months ago. She really isn’t sure how to handle it, and when she finally figured out what all of it meant, she was devastated.

“Are we going to mum or dad’s this weekend?” she asked quietly grabbing on to my hand as we walked down the sidewalk to me car.

“We have to go to dads this weekend because mum has to go New York for another art show.” Oh, yeah, and both my parents are pretty rich, so we get spoiled entirely too much. My mom is an artist and my dad is a music producer… things didn’t really work out for them as a couple.

“Do you think you could take me bowling again this weekend?”

“Hannah Banana, I don’t think I can. I actually made plans this weekend with Tanya.”

All she said was a simple, “Oh,” and sighed.

I squeezed her hands and said “But I can take you to the mall on Sunday and get you some summer clothes. Only a week left of school!”

We reached my car and I opened the back door, allowing Hannah to slide into her seat. She quickly buckled up and I walked over to the driver’s side. Starting the ignition, I pulled out of the parking lot and drove back home. To our mum’s house, that is, considering we really have two homes.

The drive was about five minutes, so it wasn’t too long. I parked in the driveway and helped Hannah out of the car. She quickly ran up to our waiting mum on the front porch.

“Mummy!” I smiled at their mother, daughter relationship. Mine is stronger with my dad, but I still have a really tight bond with my mum.

“Hey, honey!” my mums American accent rang in my ears. My mum is originally from Chicago, Illinois. My dad is from Liverpool. They met in New York and it was love. Until two months ago when they got in this huge fight about who was busier, that is. It was stupid, really. So, my sister sounds 100% British, and I on the other hand, sound more American. I have a slight accent from being born here, and having to learn the English ways, but that’s about it.

I grabbed Hannah’s pink back-pack from the backseat and closed the door, heading towards the house. When I stepped inside, I hung up Hannah’s bag, and headed into the kitchen to get a glass of apple juice.

“Hey, beautiful, how was your day?” my mum asked me as I sat down at the table.

“It was alright. Work wasn’t really busy, so I got off on time today. I was actually a little early to pick up Hannah.” I smiled taking a sip.

“That’s great! Oh, guess what Monday is!” she started to do a little happy dance in her chair. I rolled my eyes at her enthusiasm.

“Um, I don’t know. The 12th of May?”

“No silly. I mean yes, but it’s your eighteenth birthday! Aren’t you excited?”

“Yeah, but I haven’t actually been thinking about it lately…” she just smiled. I finished my juice and put my glass in the dishwasher.

Walking up the stairs to my room I called to Hannah, “Banana, do you have any homework?”

“No, I finished it in class today!”

I continued to walk up the stairs. Three flights I might add. We have a big ass house! I guess that’s what happens when you have so much money you don’t know what to do with.

There was a note on my door when I got to my room.


Your father wants you and Hannah there by 6, so start packing you things for the weekend that you might need. If you don’t need anything, make a small supper for the both of you and head out. I am leaving at 4, so I won’t be home when you leave. When you come back home, please reload the dishwasher and put the clean dishes away, and have Hannah help you fold the laundry. I should be back by Sunday at around midnight. Make sure Hannah is good and does what she is asked, not that I expect anything to go wrong. Oh, and have fun with Tanya!



I laughed at how she wrote a note instead of telling me while I was down there. That is so her. I grabbed my purse and put in my phone charger. I went into the bathroom and grabbed a few unmentionables and my favorite lip gloss. I walked into Hannah’s room, set my purse on her bed, and grabbed a few of her things and placed them in her favorite little Pooh Bear bag. I grabbed both bags, closed her door, closed my door, and walked downstairs.

I checked my watch, 4:15.

“Hannah, are you hungry?”


“Do you want some mac’ n’ cheese?”

“Yes, please.” I went into the kitchen and made a pot. I put it in two bowls, grabbing forks and walking to the table.

“Come eat.” I called. Hannah came within seconds, her dirty blonde, curly hair bouncing with her step.

We quickly ate, and I did the dishes, starting the dishwasher.

“Sissy, can I do your hair?” Hannah asked with a puppy dog face.

“Sorry, not today.” I pulled my straightened, brown hair into a high ponytail. Hannah nodded and pulled me into the living room.

We sat down on the big leather couch. I crossed my legs, and Hannah sat on my lap. She leaned her head back and slowly started to close her eyes. Soon enough she was fast asleep.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket, and I reached for it carefully, trying not to disturb the little princess.

From: Tanya

Hey, when do you think you’ll be over?

I answered her almost immediately.

To: Tanya

Probably around 10:30 or 11, I have to go to my dad’s, and my sister won’t let me leave until she absolutely has to.

From: Tanya

Does your dad know you’re coming over?

To: Tanya

Yeah, but he wants to celebrate with me for my 18th birthday. So I won’t be able to leave until around 10.

From: Tanya

Ok, well, whatever works for you? I’ll be here, waiting. Lol gotta go!

I decided we should get going, because it took about fifteen minutes to get there. I grabbed the bags and lifted Hannah in my arms, carrying her out to the car.

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