chapter 1

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Tim-T  Lucy-L  Genny-G Nyla-N Angela-A Auron -Au john-j celina-C

thank you chf_tl87 for this idea

one day while in rollcall tim seen a fimiliar face it was his sister genny he knew if she was here it wasnt good after rollcall he went up to genny and asked. T: what are you doing here genny . G: i needed to talk to you its important. T: can it wait till after shift. G: fine.

all day durning shift he was thinking about why genny was here he new it was somthing to do with his dad tim was trying to act normal but it didn't work. L: what are you thinking about cause you can tell me. T: my sister came to visit. L: is that bad i would be exited. T: i am happy o see her but if she is here i know its about my father. L: oh have you asked her what is going on with your father. T: no i don't care what is going on with my father. at this point tim was mad and kind of screaming he hated his father with ever thing inside of him

L: sorry im just trying to help. the ride was silent exept when they had a few calls it was now lunch time so they all went to the food trucks tim was upset so he sat by himself while lucy, angela, nyla, auron, john, and celina sat at one table

A: why is mister  blondie all angry and sitting by himself. L: his sister is here and he knows that if she is here its about his father i was asking him about it but he got angry and yelled so i backed off. "what does tim have agianst his dad" auron and celina said at the same time. A: tim was beaten by his dad when he was younger and he still hates his father its a super long story. L: i kind of feel bad for him that he wont let anyone help him deal with his trauma.

(if you have any ideas i should add in here please tell also please dont judge my spelling my comupter corrects everything even if its correct)

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