SUxGF Where the group meets Stevonnie!

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Inspired by this tumblr post:

SU and GF crossover

Steven and Connie don't explain fusion therefore they don't talk about Stevonnie being a fusion and only mention them in conversation about how fun it is to be them and everyone is just confused and when they ask about Stevonnie, Steven or Connie just get sidetracked or another question gets asked and they answer that and forget about the Stevonnie question.

Steven and Connie are just having a good time time out in the woods with the Pines and Wendy and accidently fuse into Stevonnie and the Pines + Wendy just watched them fuse and are very confused and Stevonnie is forced, not really, to explain fusion and how they became a fusion in the first place.

The Pines and Wendy's reactions to Stevonnie before and after they explain fusion:


     Before: confused but think they are cool

     After: good fanfic material

     Before: startled and dropped his journal and pen

     After: viciously writing notes in his journal about Stevonnie + fusion

     Before: confused

     After: Eh, good for them

     Before: confused and startled and scrambling to get his journal

    After: wrote notes in his journal and does the Garnet hands* **


     Before: has the same reaction as Lars and Sadie in alone together

     After: kinda confused but still has that reaction

*When Garnet reacted to Stevonnie for the first time and put her hands together

** Ford is just happy that there is something new that he didn't know about before

I kinda want to expand this so there might be another part to this 

I know this is supposed to be a oneshot, but I want to expand this, my book, my rules.

Thanks for reading!

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