Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Pests POV:

Who was that? That person... With the ___ Jacket that bumped into me? They look so..Interesting?- Fuck no they are truely a dumbass! Why did I give them my phone number? I rarely do that...Especially to someone as dimwitted as them!

Buying a bunch of those stupid glagglenuts,Those blue haired anime girl posters,and that stupid device called a nintendo or whatever. They just bought a bunch of random stuff? Are they rich or something?

Don't they value their money-shit I'm prolly the only person that values my money. I looked at my pocket staring at the stuff I stole. And they saw it. They saw I stole something and they didn't care even! Ugh so ignorant

Well I'm not complaining. I look over to them checking out before leaving, walking towards the Regretevator. I hurried up after them for some reason after putting the last item into my pocket. Wait..? I could've stolen more... Why am I going after their dumbass!

Y/N's POV again:

After checking out I go back to the Regretevator. Hmmm next stop attttt Snackcore!!! That space shop or whatever didn't have too much consumable stuff, but! It had a bunch of great stuff like the tiny foamer gun or those Vocaloid posters!

Hmm I wonder what the note said- I looked at the same beetle guy walking in the elevator..Next to me? Well I don't wanna open the note now it's gonna be very awkward...

I awkwardly stood next to him. My eyes kept going over to him. I tried to stop however he caught me and I got all flustered.Gosh I hope he didn't catch that! It's such an awkward time right now gosh. 

I bit on my nails while I awkwardly waited for the Regretevator to open up to Snackcore and with my awesome luck it did! I immediately sprinted out as I shoved stuff into my bag quickly, and checked out before the Regretevator closed.

However I didn't make it.The doors closed as I sprinted towards the doors, but I was too late. I stood there but then the doors opened up again and the beetle guy apparently helped me!

He opened the doors for me with the button and I stood there blushing with shock.

"もう入れろバカ" [Get in already idiot] The guy replied. I looked at him confused. Is he Japanese or something?

He cleared his throat and his eyes darted back to me. "I mean get in" I got my act together and nodded getting to the Regretevator.

The beetle guy stared at me, making me feel uneasy with his sharp gaze. He stood next to me again before speaking. "The name's Pest.You?"

I just stared at him without saying anything, blushing a bit before I cleared my throat and straightened my back. "Ah yes uhm nice to meetcha Im Y/N"

Pest just stared at me and scoffed. Ugh, so rude! I feel like i'm judged..Stupid beetle!

The Regretevator opened up to my apartment and I ran out. Wait..Oh no! He knows where I live! I shuddered as I took my keys out unlocking the door.

W-wait he knows where I live...He doesn't know my address though! I looked back and saw him staring at me before the doors closed to the Regretevator.

Oh wait now he definitely knows! He could uh- I don't know, break in and do many horrible things to me! I blushed at the thought before I realized what I was thinking. Let's not think about that...

I walked in, throwing my bag to the side and took the note out. I changed and lay in my bed, and read the note. Oh shit! h-His phone number?! I dialed it in and messaged him

You: Hello!

I waited for an answer but nothing so I just threw on my blanket and went to sleep without bothering to check. Usually I play games all night but today I'm just so tired...

Next day

 I woke up with my phone next to me with a  notification. I checked and I didn't except it to be Pest since he doesn't seem like someone who would answer messages. Someone who would ignore it but guess I was wrong eh. I shrugged. Or maybe....Im special!!!! And he only replies to MY messages cause he loves me- Okay stop I'm acting like a pick me im so disgusted ugh! 

I take my phone and check the notification.

(Ughhh I'm done writting bye Im so tired soo uhm yeah bye)

Pest x reader!! -RegretevatorWhere stories live. Discover now