Chapter 3

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(Btw Unpleasent is in a more humanoid form like those hot fanart of it with long hair)  

Pest: Hi.

I saw that he actually replied so I typed back

You: Soo whatcha doin

While I waited for a reply I decided to go to Infecteds apartment. I shrugged since after all I'm immune to his virus, and we both have a bunch of the same interests! Like video games or FPS games I'm pretty sure he likes Miku too. 

I changed out of my PJ's and put on a ____ with a ____ and my jacket as I grab my devices and head out the door.

I looked closely at each apartment before I saw one that said 'Infected' so I knocked on it. Immediately the door opened and I saw Infected "H3yy br4h!" 

"hello! You said I could come over so I did ^_^" I replied back. "Y3ah m4n I w4s wa1ting 4 yu0!"  He led me in his apartment as he walked over, and sat down. He patted his hand beside him to signal me to sit next to him.

I took notice so I sat next to him. Infected brought out a console handing me it and he took out another one for himself before we started playing. 

There was also this gradient person with really long gradient hair that had this picture of a... Toilet with a head? I don't know but I felt like they were really unpleasant. Infected took notice of me staring at them, and told me that its name was 'Unpleasant' and he thought they were a creep and would kill them.

Time skip

After many rounds of playing we sat back and decided to take a break. I saw that random chunks of money would appear at his house, so he prolly didn't even work. Yk I thought I was the only one that didn't have to work cause random chunks of money would also appear at my house too.

"Th4t w4s r3ally fun!" Infected spoke up. "I know! It really was!! :D" I replied back giggling. I checked my phone and jumped when I played with Infected for 5 hours! I also got a notification from Pest.

Pest: Not much. Would you like to hang out maybe sometimes or smth

You: Yeah srry for not replying I was busy but sure.

I totally wasn't busy butttt let's just say I want a good impression. Infected took notice of me texting someone "Wh0 yu0 t3xt1ng?" I replied back "Pest!"  his jaw dropped "Y000 h3s so c00l! But h3 alw4ys avo1d5 me.." 

I nodded feeling bad for infected. I tried to lighten the mood by doing something else "Hey do you wanna watch Nyan Neko Sugar Girls!" Infected immediately smiled "Y3ss!!!!" 

So for the next few hours we watched Nyan Neko Sugar girls before I had to leave since I had some plans...for Pest. Honestly I wished I could've stayed longer,and watched more with him.

I checked my phone again when I left Infected house for an reply

Pest: Its all good ig. How about Reddy's Underground Diner?

You: Alrightyyy what timeee

Pest: 5:30PM?

You: sure

Pest: alr bye.

I checked the time and it was 5:00. Gosh I woke up around 9:00 I was with Infected for 8 hours I think! I wonder if they are annoyed at me for staying so long. I shrugged it off since he kept begging me to stay longer so why would he be annoyed?

I stepped in the Regretevator after texting Pest as I waited for Reddy's Underground Diner. And to my incredible luck it came in in only just- Like 10 minutes I think.

I walked in and checked the time '5:27' I'm just in time! I looked around and saw Pest in the back sitting alone as I waved to him. He made eye contact but didn't say anything so I walked over to him.


(Don't expect me to pay for your meal, idiot.) Pest said. I couldn't understand him so I just replied with a "Huh?" 

He just shook it off and lowered his head. I felt embarrassed till I saw an arcade machine and ran towards it. "Woah! They have arcade machines!-" I was cut off to the lights going out. Then I heard some loud walking. I turned my head and saw a glowing light going towards me before I realized it was Reddy. 

I panicked and didn't know what to do before Pest grabbed me by the arm. He carried me to the corner and blocked my mouth as we waited for the lights to go on again. I was blushing while Pest held me close but the moment had to end when the lights went back on and Pest shoved me to Regretevator. 

"Your welcome" 

"Thank you-" I couldn't finish my sentence before he blocked me off

"Save it" Pest replied before the doors opened up and he left. Leaving me there.

"Wow" I just said out loud. Shock before I thought about the moment again and I blushed.Finally the doors opened up to my Apartment and I decided to just game all night this time.

(Yooo this is the end im tired so yeah bye. Dw the next chapter yall are gonna be more close...nehhehe)

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