26 - Plan Of Attack

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The tension in the grand hall of the Elven city was thick enough to choke on. Elara, her brow furrowed in worry, stood beside Kael, the stoic werewolf Alpha. Across from them, Varian, his crimson eyes narrowed, flanked Lykos, the gruff werewolf General. Facing them both sat a delegation of Fae, led by the ever-stoic Queen Mab, and a contingent of vampires led by the stoic, yet calculating, Vladimir.

The news of the declaration of war by Morwen's alliance had spread like wildfire, shattering the fragile peace that had held for generations. Now, representatives of the races who had once been wary allies were forced to confront a common enemy.

"This is madness," Queen Mab finally declared, her voice laced with regal disdain. "Morwen... that power-hungry crone... She thinks she can strong-arm us all into submission?"

A snort of derision escaped Lykos. "She underestimates us all, Fae Queen. We werewolves won't be anyone's puppets."

Elara, ever the diplomat, raised a hand for silence. "Anger won't win this war," she said, her voice firm but laced with concern. "We need a plan, a coordinated effort."

Varian leaned forward, his gaze sweeping over the assembled group. "Morwen's forces are diverse," he began, his voice low and gravelly. "Undead thralls, rogue mages, and who knows what twisted creatures she's conjured."

Vladimir, his face a mask of stoicism, nodded curtly. "Her alliance is a ragtag bunch, but their numbers could be considerable. We need to strike before they gain momentum."

Kael, his voice a deep rumble, slammed his fist on the table. "Then let's strike! We werewolves are ready to rip them limb from limb!"

Queen Mab's lips curled into a disdainful smile. "Such barbarity, Alpha. Surely there's a more... elegant approach?"

A low growl echoed from Lykos, but Varian held up a hand to quell the rising tension. "We need to utilize our strengths," he stated. "The werewolves' ferocity, the vampires' tactical prowess, the Fae's illusions, and the Alina's knowledge of the Fold and the Shadow Fold."

A flicker of respect entered Vladimir's crimson eyes. "An interesting strategy, Luna. And what role do the vampires play in this grand scheme?"

Varian met his gaze, a flicker of challenge dancing in his own. "We act as a vanguard, a shield. We blunt the initial attack, weaken their forces before you engage."

A tense silence followed his declaration. The werewolves seemed eager for the fight, while the Fae looked contemplative. Elara, however, offered a small smile.

"A sound plan," she finally said. "But we need more than just tactics. We need to understand Morwen's true motives. What is she after?"

A grim expression settled on Varian's face. "Dominion," he stated simply. "She craves power over all supernatural creatures. She wants to rule the night, and she'll use any means necessary to achieve it."

The weight of his words hung heavy in the air. The representatives exchanged glances, the enormity of the situation finally sinking in. This wasn't just about a border dispute or a petty squabble. This was a fight for survival, a fight for the very future of their world.

Queen Mab straightened in her seat, her voice regaining its regal authority. "Then there is no choice," she declared. "We fight. For our lands, for our freedom, and for the future of all who walk beneath the moon."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the hall. Despite their differences, despite their past mistrust, they were united in this moment. The werewolves pounded their fists on the table, a guttural roar escaping their lips. The vampires exchanged grim nods, their eyes gleaming with a cold determination. The Fae shimmered slightly, their faces etched with newfound resolve. And Elara and Kael stood shoulder to shoulder, their gazes filled with a fierce protectiveness.

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