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Emery wrung her hands anxiously as she fidgeted in her seat. Damian and Bruce were both eyeing her with concern, while Jason lightly drew random patterns on her back. The featherlight tracing grounded her and kept her from spiralling before she could even say what she needed to.

"Deep breaths, Em." Jason whispered, "You're safe."

She relaxed marginally, leaning into her twin's warmth for comfort. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her head, "I've gotcha."

The sound of footsteps caused her to flinch, despite knowing it was only her Papa and other brothers arriving. Tim looked curious, while Dick's expression was pure concern. "What's going on?" he asked softly, his tone a bit more gentle than usual.

"Is it related to the theft?" Tim asked, looking tiredly at Emery and sipping his steaming coffee. She felt Jason bristle against her and saw the others tense up as well. Sighing, she stressfully rubbed her face, ignoring the wave of nausea that struck her.

"It... it's a long story." she whispered, "I'll explain everything, but... but save questions and comments for later... Please?"

Dick slowly sat across from her, "Of course, Little Bird."

After a few more affirmative and when everyone was seated, Emery took a deep breath. "It... It started the day I came home..." she began, her voice quiet but clear as she explained all of the events that led to her discovering the betrayal, the manipulation, the theft and the abuse. Everything. She choked up quite a bit, especially when she mentioned recovered memories of... sexual assault and the love potions. Every reclaimed memory was so painfully vivid that they felt as if they'd occurred mere hours ago.

Eventually, Emery's explanation tapered off. She was a mess of hiccuping sobs and violent trembling by the time she finished. All the while her Tata, Papa, and brothers were silent. Jason kept up his gentle ministrations with the occasional soft assurances.

Dick had his face in his hands as Tim was glaring a hole into the ground, his, now ice-cold, coffee abandoned on the table. Bruce was quiet and still, aside from the tightening of his white-knuckled grip on the arms of his chair. Damian was similar to Bruce, deadly silent and as still as a statue. Alfred, at some point, had retrieved his shotgun and began cleaning it thoroughly.

Finally, Bruce spoke, "We're reporting this to the authorities." his voice was firm as he moved to kneel in front of Emery, "I know I don't hold much sway with my status, but I'll raise hell until you get the justice you deserve."

Emery rubbed her eyes with her sleeves, "I-I've been collecting the evidence with my account manager, Snapjaw. He... he'd been hinting at contacting Madam Bones... and I agreed. I just.."

"Don't wanna go alone?" Dick offered.

She nodded, feeling childish, "Yeah."

Bruce gently cupped her cheeks and thumbed away her tears. "I thought you knew you could always rely on me, no matter how small the situation was. I'm sorry I made you feel as if you had to deal with things like this on your own," he spoke softly, unashamed of the tears brimming in his eyes. "You're so very strong, so brave and I'm proud of you, but never think you can't come to me for help. I will always be here for my children."

Emery couldn't help it, her cries returned full force. She threw herself at her Tata, clinging to him like a child and sobbing into his chest. He held her tightly, rubbing her back and whispering reassurances.

"You're not alone, baby girl. You never have been," he murmured.

Bruce held his little girl until she'd eventually cried herself to sleep. He carefully scooped her up into his arms. She whined, grabbed his shirt and snuggled into his chest before relaxing. He kissed her head and looked at Alfred and his boys.

"Alfred, contact her friends." he ordered, "I want to know everything they know about the situation and how the wizarding court works."

"Yes, Master Bruce." the elderly butler nodded. Halting his cleaning and leaving the room.

Bruce nodded, "Boys, take turns checking on your sister tonight. We all know what could happen with this kind of trauma."

"We can take turns sleeping in her room," Damian suggested.

"Good idea, Dami." Dick smiled, "I'll let the Titans know I'll be away for a while."

Jason hummed, "I should do the same with Roy."

"Dick, let the League know we'll be out of commission for a while and to only contact us in a dire emergency," Bruce ordered.

Dick saluted, "Will do, Pops." and left the room. Tim followed, "I'm gonna update the girls on the sitch."

Damian hopped off his perch, "I shall get her comfort snacks ready for when she wakes."

Once everyone had found themselves tasks, Bruce left the living room, carrying Emery to her bedroom. He laid her down, but when he went to stand up he found himself in a vice grip. How and when did his little girl become so strong? Instantly, he found himself regretting not spending more time with her. He was an awful father.

"Don't... don't go." Emery whimpered, "... scared..."

Bruce paused, then sighed softly and kicked off his shoes. "I'm not going anywhere, sweetheart," he muttered as he carefully lay beside her. She snuggled into his chest and relaxed. Bruce smiled fondly, despite her having grown up, she was still his little Emery. His baby girl. He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear before pulling the covers up to cover them. He hummed a lullaby, one he'd used to sing when she was younger.

Everyone that hurt her was going to pay, severely.

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