CHAPTER 08 | Food taster

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As Ayaka and Mira entered the bustling kitchen, their arrival caught Maria's attention, prompting her to pause in her task of preparing Ayato's boba tea. With a warm smile, Maria turned to greet Ayaka, her expression brightening at the sight of her friend.

"Hello, Ayaka! How have you been?" Maria greeted warmly, her eyes sparkling with genuine warmth as she exchanged pleasantries with her visitor.

"Been doing good!" Ayaka replied cheerfully, her gaze drifting to the array of pastries adorning the counter as she admired Maria's handiwork.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Maria returned her focus to the task at hand, deftly assembling the ingredients for the boba tea. However, Ayaka couldn't help but notice Mira's uncharacteristic quietness and moved to stand beside her, concern etched in her features.

"Is there something wrong between you and Zhongli?" Ayaka inquired softly, her voice filled with genuine concern as she sought to understand the source of Mira's unease.

Mira's eyes widened in surprise at Ayaka's question, her gaze flickering momentarily to Maria before returning to Ayaka.

"Huh? Huh?! You know Zhongli, Mira?!" Maria exclaimed, her surprise mirroring Mira's own.

With a resigned sigh, Mira nodded, her expression clouded with frustration as she recounted her recent encounter with Zhongli at the library.

"Yeah... I was just grabbing some books that I needed for my cases, and then he suddenly grabbed one of the books I needed!" she complained, her annoyance evident in her tone.

Ayaka listened attentively to Mira's explanation before offering a gentle perspective.

"Maybe he needed it?" she suggested diplomatically, her voice laced with empathy as she sought to diffuse the tension.

Maria chimed in with a thoughtful observation.

"After all, he is one of the most prominent CEOs," she added, her tone thoughtful as she returned to her task.

Mira's eyes widened in realization as Maria's words sank in, her hand instinctively covering her mouth in surprise.

"Huh? What did you say again?" she asked, seeking clarification.

Confused by Mira's reaction, Maria furrowed her brow in confusion.

"What?" she replied, her tone puzzled.

Before Mira could respond, Ayaka interjected, providing the missing piece of the puzzle.

"She said Zhongli is one of the most prominent CEOs. You didn't know?" she clarified, her gaze shifting between Maria and Mira with a knowing smile.

Mira's eyes widened in understanding as the pieces fell into place, a sheepish smile spreading across her face.

"Oh... never mind. That's why he needed those books," she admitted, her tone tinged with amusement.

Maria and Ayaka shared a laugh about how Mira had reacted to the situation.

"You can just give him the books after you're done with them. I'm sure Zhongli can wait," Ayaka said with a reassuring smile.

As they chatted, Maria finally finished preparing the food and drinks. She placed a tray on the table, sighing in relief as she crossed her arms, admiring her creations: a golden croissant, a beautifully layered tiramisu, and a glass of boba tea.

"What's that?" Ayaka asked, pointing at the tiramisu, her eyes widening with curiosity.

"Tiramisu. I wanted to try making it since I'm thinking of adding some new desserts to the menu at my café," Maria explained with a chuckle.

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