CHAPTER 11 | Blue or..

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The mall's vast glass facade loomed ahead as Ayaka, Mira, and Thoma stepped out of the car. The summer sun glinted off the building, promising an afternoon of exploration and excitement. Thoma, as their driver, smiled warmly at the girls, glad to be part of their spontaneous adventure.

Ayaka, her eyes twinkling with excitement, looked at Mira who shared her enthusiasm. Maria, on the other hand, seemed apprehensive, her brows furrowed as she surveyed the bustling entrance.

As they approached the entrance, a collective gasp escaped Ayaka and Mira. The interior was even more impressive: towering ceilings, sleek escalators, and an array of shops that seemed to stretch on endlessly.

Maria, however, couldn't quite match their excitement. She stopped in her tracks, her hand flying to her forehead in an exaggerated facepalm.

"Seriously? A mall? I don't have enough money for shopping," she groaned, her tone a mix of surprise and frustration.

Mira turned to Maria, rolling her eyes in playful exasperation.

"Let's just go and shush your mouth," she replied, her voice tinged with a mix of impatience and amusement.

Before Maria could protest further, Ayaka grabbed her arm gently but firmly.

"Come on, Maria! We're here to have fun," she said, her cheerful demeanor infectious. With that, she began to pull Maria along, leading the way into the heart of the mall.

Thoma, chuckling at the exchange, followed close behind, making sure to keep an eye on the lively trio. The scent of freshly baked pretzels wafted through the air, mingling with the hum of conversations and the distant sound of children's laughter.

As they moved through the first floor, Ayaka pointed out a trendy boutique.

"Look, Maria! That dress would look amazing on you," she exclaimed, her enthusiasm undiminished.

Maria, despite her initial reluctance, couldn't help but smile at her friends' infectious energy.

"Alright, alright. But I'm not buying anything unless it's on sale," she conceded, her tone softening.

Mira and Ayaka exchanged triumphant looks, knowing they had won Maria over.

"Deal!" Mira said, grabbing Maria's other arm, and together they made their way into the boutique.

Thoma, always the supportive friend, found a comfortable seat near the entrance of the store, ready to offer his opinions and carry their bags when needed.

Maria stood in front of a rack of vibrant tops, her eyes scanning for the sale section. Her fingers brushed against the fabrics as she searched, finally pulling out two options—a striking red top and a cool, serene blue one. Holding them up, she turned to Ayaka and Mira, who she thought were still nearby.

"What is much more better? The red one or blue?" Maria asked, her eyes darting between the two tops as she tried to decide.

Silence met her question. Frowning slightly, she glanced back over her shoulder but didn't see either of her friends. With a sigh, she called out again, her voice a little more urgent. "Which top?"

Turning around fully, she expected to see Ayaka and Mira debating over accessories or whispering about some new fashion trend. Instead, she found herself face-to-face with Ayato, his charming smile making her heart skip a beat.

Ayato's presence was unexpected, and the sudden realization made Maria blush. He stepped closer, his gaze shifting between the two tops she held up.

"This one," he said, gently taking the blue top from her hand.

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