Chapter 20: Gone Wrong [+ an update]

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Seek's POV:

The night raged on, the moon casting a warm glow over the city. At first, I thought it was nothing, just simple noises from passing humans or the machines that were moving past. I had lost track of Figure a little while ago when he turned a corner, and I was currently frantically looking around for him.

How is this possible? How could I have lost a blind 6 foot hunk of flesh in the middle of a city?! I skid around yet another garbage can, using my ink to help me not splat into the wall ahead of me. 

As I regained my balance, I strained to hear any hint of Figure's distinct, heavy footsteps. The city's usual clamor seemed louder tonight, drowning out the subtle cues I relied on. Panic started to creep in, twisting my thoughts into knots. My mind raced with the possible consequences of losing him in such a populated area. I could only imagine the chaos he might cause or the danger he could be in.

Suddenly, a faint but familiar sound reached my non existent ears—a low, guttural growl, unmistakable and bone-chilling. I turned sharply, my eye scanning the shadows for any sign of movement. There, in the dim light, I caught a glimpse of a massive, lumbering figure disappearing into an alleyway. I dashed forward, my heart pounding.

"Figure!" I called out, my voice echoing off the brick walls.

I don't care if he hears me. I'm more worried about him than worried about explaining myself.

The growl grew louder, more agitated, and I knew I was close. I rounded the corner and finally saw him, his hulking form silhouetted against the moonlit sky. He was facing away from me, but I didn't dare try to get closer.

A group of humans had surrounded him, armed with helmets and strange black vests. They had weapons of all sorts. Some I knew and some that looked nothing like I've seen before. I quickly hid around the corner, lucky that they were so occupied with Figure that they didn't notice me.

Two of the humans stepped closer, making Figure swipe at them. they somehow managed to dodge before stabbing something into his side. The sounds I heard made me positive that they were sending electrical shocks into him.

My chest hurt from watching this yet I knew I can't go ant try to help. After all, if they could prevent Figure from killing them upon him hearing them, then I have little to no chance in being able to get us both out without getting caught or severely hurt.


Ok so. I know I haven't updated in a while. and with the update changing so much of my plans and ideas and already written stuff, I need to scrap this book and make an entirely new one. I'm sorry for all of you who have been waiting for an update only to get this news.

As an apology, I'll give you the plot I had written out

• Figure gets captured by the SCP foundation on the weekly food run

• Seek sees Figure get captured and follows him, almost getting caught himself a couple times

• Seek finds where they are holding Figure and runs back to the house to tell the others

• Seek and the others develop a plan to rescue him (human is the one helping with cams and stuff)

• Seek is reckless and gets himself caught (put in the cell beside Figure)

• The other Entities are forced to retreat due to Seek's recklessness

• Seek and Figure are objected to painful experiments

• The Entities try again after 3 weeks of preparation to save Seek and Figure

• Eyes, Halt, Rush and Ambush manage to run/teleport around to make a distraction for Screech

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