As they were about to fight the Omen, suddenly the Omen next to it grabbed it and attacked itself, confusing them "Did that Omen just...." "Attack the other Omen?" the Omen yelled and ripped its heads off and stood up calmly "There you are my royal, I was worried" "No way Mother?" they replied and saw mother in a new upgrade "Whoa now you look cool!" "When my programming was threatened I downloaded myself into this Omen" "Now that's cool. I wonder where is Toby right now. Naming things is his thing" Lily sighed and didn't expect Mother to be in Omen....but she couldn't take them all down...well...not just yet "Now how about we show what Mother can do?" As for Toby he was wearing his armour and called Eli and Steve and told them the Tarrons were in danger.
While the royal family were battling the Omens and Kubritz, Morando and Vex battle each other, and both hit each other's swords against each other "You won't win this war! The resistance grows stronger every delson!" Morando laughs mocking him "You think so? Once I get Gaylen's core no life form can deny me!" "Gaylen's core?" at that moment Morando took this quick pause and pushed Vex towards the wall. Vex groans as Morando points his sword at him "I will win this war! And have my revenge on the royal family! They took everything from me! You were so supposed to rule beside me" Morando shot Vex, but luckily he was quicker and grabbed his serrator shield and blocked it "You promised the royal would not be hurt! You swore to Varvatos!" "I vowed vengeance for your family" Vex snapped and ran towards Morando and punched his face in anger "Don't you dare speak of my family! The royals loved you! You were like family! But you betray them and your own family! Breaking your daughter's core!"
Morando: don't you dare! Bring my daughter into this! She was the only one I had left! After what they've done to her!💢
Vex: what are you talking about? Tell Varvatos what happened to you...
Morando:...[laughs] your useless, you'll never understand how she felt after what happened to her, Lay down your weapon, Varvatos kneel before your king
Omens:*stood up*
Vex: Varvatos Vex serves the heirs of Akiridion-5. They are loyal, brave, and above all...ugh!
Omens:*shot the serrator away*
[Helicopter blades whirring]
Vex: you fight with no honor! *about to hit Morando*
Morando:*kicks him back* honor? Ha! I fight to win! And daughter will have the Royal cores...
Vex: what?...
Morando:*shot Vex many times*
Vex:[groans unconscious]
[doors open]
Dad: ah! Don't look now kids, but you have one of those monstrosities right behind you!
Krel: it's okay, it's okay. This is mother or robo-mom
Dad: put it there, hey why don't you and Lucy whip up some nice supper?
Mother:[i'm not here to cook]
Mother:[but i could kill]
King: that will come in handy, we need to protect you kids
Lily: I can protect myself, but I think we have a bigger problem
Krel: oh, no...
Aja: what?
Krel: before the wormhole closed Loth Saborian told us that Morando is after Gaylen's core. Mama, Papa you know something about Gaylen's core...don't you?...
Queen: we do...
Aja: Gaylen's core would make Morando as powerful as a god! We need to know where Gaylen's core is, you have to tell us
King: it's too dangerous...
Lily: but it might be our only hope to stop my father!
Soldier: link-up point ahead 12 o'clock
Toby:.... *rolls to the next green bush*
[Trash can clanging]
Steve/Eli:*hids behind the car*
Toby: let's do this
King: my children you must go into our mentors and find out where Galen's core is. We maybe the one that hides it, but we can't remember where....
Krel: are you sure about this? it could be dangerous
Lily: maybe so, but that doesn't stop any of us before, we have to be careful, i'll go in with you both
Mother:[i'm ready]
King/Queen:*lays down*
Lily: ready?
Mother:*send them into the King and queen core*
3Below (Tales of Arcadia)
FantasíaThis will be my version but it will be a bit the same as the Netflix but not that much. Don't forget to check my channel Winter AlphaWolf❄ Please subscribe to my channel and hit 👊 the bell 🔔 so you can be updated on when I post new videos.😜🤗 now...